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- ItemDampak diklat tenaga pelatih program kesehatan melalui evaluasi Contect Model CIPP Stuflebeam(PPMKP, 2020-08) FITRIYANTI; ZAFIRA, Kaniaareta Sadya; PPMKPThe program achievements of the related units have not been optimal, this is due to, among other things, supporting resources, one of the supporting resources is human resources, namely the trainer . This study aims to improve program achievements, in order to obtain optimal program achievements. This study uses interviews, observation and document studies, using structural officials related to organizing training as the main data source. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study show this research is good and supports the preparation of prospective health program trainers. This study also suggests overcoming the problems found in the study.
- ItemPengembangan Pelayanan Prima Bagi Kepuasan Peserta Pelatihan Kepemimpinan TK.IV di PPMKP Ciawi Bogor(PPMKP, 2020-09) ISMAIL, Lalu; PPMKPThis study aims to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the application of service elements both considered important by customers and those not considered important. The respondents in this study were participants in the Level IV Leadership training with descriptive and qualitative survey methods, systematically, factually and accurately describing the facts and characteristics of the population. The assessment will start from June to December 2019, at PPMKP Ciawi Bogor. Based on the discussion and analysis results of this study, it is pointed out that in the application of service elements both categorized as important and unimportant, they can provide satisfaction in accordance with the expectations of the trainees, and the performance of the service during the training shows a very good category
- ItemFaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja berusaha tani Petani Milenial Alumni Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Bagi Petani Muda di Provinsi Jawa Tengah(PPMKP, 2020-09) HAMDANI, Chidmat; PPMKPThis research was conducted on Millennial farmers who have attended entrepreneurship training for young farmers P4S Managers / Administrator1 which has been carried out in Magelang and Kudus Regencies in October 2019. Data collection was carried out on 60 Alumni respondents in the period February to March 2020. The purpose of this study is to know the impact of entrepreneurship training for young farmers on their performance in farming and the factors that affect their performance. Samples were taken by purposive random sampling, obtained 60 samples of alumni of entrepreneurship training for young farmers in Central Java Province in 2019. The results showed that entrepreneurship training for young farmers felt the benefits of a score of 216 (average 3.6) and had an impact on their performance in farming. However, it needs improvement and refinement in terms of training materials (score 189) and training methods (score 172). Based on multiple regression analysis, the level of formal education obtained a value of sig> 0.05 means tcount = 4.266 while t table = 0.679, which means that partially there is an effect of the level of formal education on the performance of millennial farmers in farming (X1) = + 1.677, compared to business experience. farmer (X2) = 1.645. The level of formal education and farming experience jointly affect the performance of farming. This is based on the F test, above Fcount = 67.431 while Ftable = 2.54 at a significant level of 0.05. From the table above, it is known that F count> Ftable (67.431> 2.54). The coefficient of determination obtained R2 value of 69.2%, meaning that the level of formal education and experience in farming has an effect on the working performance of millennial farmers, while the remaining 31.8% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Based on the description above. Millennial farmers who manage P4S need to be trained in entrepreneurship training to improve their performance in farming. However, the material and curriculum need to be improved. Millennial farmer formal education needs to be improved.
- ItemPengaruh Off The Job Training dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Minat Belajar serta dampaknya terhadap Prosentase Hasil Kemajuan Belajar Peserta Pelatihan Pemeriksa Kebuntingan(PPMKP, 2020-09) WALUYO, Sri Teguh; PPMKPThis study was shown to examine the effect of the job training and learning motivation on learning interest and its impact on the percentage of the results of learning progress of pregnancy examiners (Pkb) both simulately and partially, determining the dominant variable, also to determine direct effect, indirect effect and total the effect is accompanied by a parametric difference test on two pairs of data. The research problem is how the percentage of participants 'learning progress results through off the job training, learning motivation and participants' learning interest. This research was conducted at the Wonogiri district of Maritime, Fisheries, and Livestock Service in December 2018 to March 2019. The population and sample used in this study were all 30 participants, using analysis of linear multivariate regression (Durbin-Watson), analysis paired t test, analysis t test in enter linear regression method analysis, analysis F test in multivariate linear regression enter method, analysis regression linear multivariate method Backward combined with Pearson correlation and path analysis (path analysis), which is run by software statistical social science packages (SPSS) 20.00. The type of research used is quantitative research, there is a tendency to increase pre-test in the post test with an increase in average of 30,476, simultaneously the effect of the job training and motivation on learning interest is significantly positive, partially off the job training or learning motivation has a significant positive effect towards learning interest, it was found that the contribution of 53.87% of the variable off the job training was more dominant than learning motivation towards learning interest, simultaneously off the job training, learning motivation and learning interest were positively significant influence on the percentage of learning progress, partially variable off the job training, learning motivation as well as significant positive learning interest towards the percentage of learning progress results, found the contribution of the influence of learning interest variables is more dominant than off the job training and learning motivation towards the percentage of learning progress results of 69.54%. The results show that the effect of off the job training directly has a significant effect on the percentage of learning progress and indirectly learning motivation through learning interest has a significant effect on the percentage of learning progress. The conclusion that the hypothesis states there is an influence off the job training and learning motivation towards learning interest and its impact on the percentage of learning progress can be accepted. Keywords: off the job training, learning motivation, learning interest and percentage of learning progress results
- ItemOptimalisasi kerjasama pelatihan melalui teknik negosiasi yang tepat(PPMKP, 2020-09) RAMDONI, Achmad; PPMKPIn order to successfully improve the deal with business partner needs to be supported by a variety of aspects. One of them through negotiation capability. This study aims to determine the ability of employers’ views on aspects of the negotiations digging courage, patience persists, ask for more courage, integrity, and their activities as a listener when negotiating. This research method qualitative literature study with single case study. Data collected by observation, interview, and literature. The informants were key person in PPMKP Ciawi during negotiation progress . The findings of this study, PPMKP Ciawi were able to dig up information, is able to give a sense of comfort to the other party during negotiations, have the patience to last longer than the other negotiator to provide timely and positive thinking, dare to ask for more focus on the purpose and process sequence achievement, integrity presses win-win solutions through commitment and attention to the common interest, capable of being a good listener through providing discussion time and as empathetic listener.
- ItemProyek Perubahan dan Pemanfaatannya pada Pasca Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat Empat (4)(PPMKP, 2020-09) BASTONUS, Ahmad Shaim; PPMKPTo find out how much the benefit of the Leadership Training organized by PPMKP, it is necessary to map the success of PIM training through tracer study of alumni who have returned to work in their respective institutions as well as various problems that might occur after PIM training. This study is a descriptive study using qualitative technical analysis. Analysis was carried out on survey data explaining the sustainability of the change project after the PIM 4 training in 2018 Fiscal Year. The focus of this study was the alumni of the 13th PIM training scope of the Ministry of Agriculture. To reach all of the alumni, the study was assisted by a questionnaire instrument that was sent to all training alumni using Google forms which can be downloaded via a mobile phone (HP). This evaluation activity aims to identify several things, namely to determine the continuity of alumni change projects, find out the driving factors and obstacles in implementing change projects, and determine the impact of PIM training on improving alumni performance. From this study it can be concluded that the majority of alumni continue their project of change and a small portion stalled. Factors driving the continuity of change projects are leadership support and change projects that are included as routine agency activities. Whereas the main factors hampering the continuity of project changes are the transfer and promotion of alumni work, budgets and resources (infrastructure and human resources). The PIM training materials that help, support and overcome the problems faced in the post-PIM change change project, especially materials related to innovation, effective team building, organizational diagnostics, and benchmarking. Realization of the benefits of the change project includes the ease of procedures offered, time efficiency, and cost reduction in public services. The scope of the benefits of the PIM training alumni change project is generally quite felt by the community and within the scope of the internal organization. The perceived impact is an increase in performance accountability, the quality of public services, and the achievement of cheap, efficient, measurable and easy public services.
- ItemUpaya Peningkatan Mutu Pelatihan melalui Analsis Kebutuhan Diklat(PPMKP, 2020-09) OKTARI, Y. Saptiana; PPMKPHuman Resources is a very important element. To be able to manage capital, technology and money, Human Resources requires the development of both quality and quantity. One way to develop Human Resources is through Education and Training / Training. Training is an activity that can reduce the competency gap by increasing knowledge and skills on a matter from a participant or employee. In this case a training needs to be planned carefully everything, both the method and how it is implemented so that when the training is carried out, the training runs effectively and on target. For this reason, there needs to be a Need Analysis called Education and Training / Training Needs Analysis (often abbreviated as AKD) that arises because of or arises from a gap or gap between the abilities that a person should have at work (in carrying out their duties) and one's actual abilities .In Training it is very necessary to diagnose the Training needs.This research method qualitative literature study with approximatelly 12 literatures that relevan and support the research. In this case for training and development to run effectively, it is necessary to design techniques that combine analysis at a number of different levels (Leat & Jack Lovell, 1997). Then according to Jen-Chia Chang, Tseng-Chang Chiang and Chen Kun Yi (2012) Training Needs Analysis can ensure that the training to be carried out is important or needs to be carried out, confirmed by the training conducted. In addition, the Training Needs Analysis systematically collects information and analyzes data based on the Analysis Needs Assessment (TNA) dimension before the training is carried out as a basis for the development of learning objectives and material design goals and decides that training is the right solution to solve problems. Then, Training Needs Analysis Tools that can be used in accordance with three dimensions of Training Needs Assessment (TNA).
- ItemHubungan antara Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Kepuasan Kerja dengan komitmen kerja widyaiswara di Pusdiklat yang ada di Kabupaten Bogor(PPMKP, 2020-09) DJAMALUDIN, Nasrullah; PPMKPThe research of designed to analyze the correlation between transformational leadership and job satisfaction with Facilitator working commitment in training and education consists in Bogor Region. This research was conducted at center of education and training consist in Bogor region in 2018. The research used survey method with the correlational approach. The population of research consisted of 120 facilitator (Widyaiswara) in which 93 of them were determined with proportional random sampling. Based on the research result, it is concluded that 1) there is a positive relation which is very significant transformational leadership with facilitator working commitment, 2) there is a positive relation which is very significant between job satisfaction with facilitator working commitment, and 3) there is a positive relation which is very significant between between transformational leadeship and job satisfaction with trainer working commitment of Widaiswara. Thus, it can be concluded that facilitator working commitment can be improved through transformational leadership and job satisfaction individually and together.
- ItemEfektifitas Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja(PPMKP, 2020-09) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPThe purpose of this research is to describe the competence-based training result and employee’s performance and explain the influence of competence-based training result to employee’s performance. The research was conducted in PPMKP Ciawi – Bogor. The population was employees of frontliner section who already attended the Frontliner Skills training of employees. The primary data was obtained via questionnaire to 40 respondents which then analyzed using simple regression analysis. The conclusion of this research is that the competence-based training has positive significant influence to the performance. It means that the better implementation of competence-based training will result in the improvement of employee’s performance
- ItemPeran Kredibilitas Narasumber dalam internalisasi Materi Pelatihan Daring(PPMKP, 2020-09) HARAHAP, Yusni Emilia; PPMKPThe role of resource persons in a training is often underestimated, it seems even less prepared in setting their presence. The usage of various resource persons for training is sometimes confusing, misleading and giving uncertainty. This conditions has resulted the material internalization process is not in accordance with the training objectives. It is therefore, the presence of credible resource persons is very important to ensure that the process of internalizing training materials is consistent with the purpose, so that the trainees are also confident and trusting. The problem statement in this research was to identity whether there was significant influence between the credibility of resource persons toward the internalization of training materials within the trainees. The research shows positive and significant correlations between the credibility of resource persons toward the internalizations within trainees.
- ItemPelatihan Penugasan Khusus Tenaga Kesehatan Program Nusantara Sehat Individu di Puskesmas DTPK (Daerah Tertinggal Perbatasan dan Kepulauan) Pasca Pandemi Covid-19-Bapelkes Cikarang(PPMKP, 2020-09) INDRIYANTI, Dina; PPMKPPrevious studies have discussed a lot about evaluating the use of multimedia technology in increasing the effectiveness of education at various levels, but this study focuses on the post-training evaluation of health workers who work in remote, very remote, border and island areas, with a training period of ten days, However, participants are required to understand their duties and functions so that they can carry out their duties according to their competence and authority. In this study, a post-training evaluation of the Kirkpatrik Level 2 Model was carried out by measuring Skills, Knowledge, and Attitudes one year after training and measuring the ideas of suggestions for effective learning strategies for the pandemic, post-pandemic and so on, by providing access to selected training methods during the pandemic. The research method is descriptive-analytic with a qualitative approach. The contribution of the study on the Special Assignment Training for Health Personnel for the Individual Healthy Archipelago Program at the DTPK (Disadvantaged Border and Islands) Puskesmas after the COVID 19 Pandemic was to explain the importance of learning videos on online training as a more useful strategy and can be applied in the work behavior of health workers at Puskesmas according to competence and authority and to ensure the effectiveness of learning in distance training.
- ItemAnalisis Efektivitas Coaching Clinic Bagi Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya (P4S)(PPMKP, 2020-09) FRISTIANNISA, Fadia Hanum; PPMKPTraining is one of the means and ways to increase human resource capacity, training can be in the form of workshops and using clinic coaching. At this time, unexpectedly, Indonesia and the rest of the world received a pandemic attack through the corona virus (Covid-19) which resulted in almost the entire world requiring all work to be carried out from home, including training activities carried out from their respective homes. One way to carry out these activities can be used online media which of course is very flexible for time and place, so this activity needs to be developed and measure the extent to which clinic coaching activities are carried out effectively using Rencana Tindak Lanjut (RTL). Participants in clinic coaching activities are P4S who are given assignments by related agencies or direct calls from the Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) as organizers of clinic coaching to improve the skills, abilities, and competence of administrators or trainers at P4S for prospective apprentices at P4S.
- ItemTata Kelola Pelaksanaan e-Learning dalam meningkatkan kinerja Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan dalam masa Covid-19(PPMKP, 2020-09) DAMANIK, Renata D.N.; PPMKPThe existence of the Internet in the world of education allows the teaching and learning process to be carried out anytime and anywhere. This condition is able to facilitate an increase in the intensity of educational activities. The lecture process that was previously only conducted in class is currently undergoing a transition. Percentage of face-to-face lectures in class combined with online learning (e- Learning). E-Learning is then said to have a role as a combinational function for conventional teaching and learning activities and not the other way around, e-Learning as a substitutional function which completely replaces the face-to-face learning portion. Organizing e-Learning requires a management that is not simple. Attention is needed through good management involving all relevant stakeholders. This paper will elaborate on the role of information technology (IT) governance in the use of e-Learning systems. IT Governance or what we call information technology governance is a control mechanism for controlling and evaluating governance in information technology.
- ItemTingkat Kepuasan Peserta Pelatihan pada Pelayanan Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Dasar Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kementerian Pertanian (Studi Kasus Pelatihan Dasar CPNS Golongan III di PPMKP Ciawi Tahun 2019)(PPMKP, 2020-09) SUMARNO; PPMKPThis research aim to to know storey level satisfaction of participant of Basic Training for Public Servant Of Civil Candidates (Latsar CPNS) Ministry of Agriculture. This Research have the character of quantitatively of explamative trying to explain factor causing an phenomenon by using data in the form of symptom which is number. Research Subject is participant of Basic Training for Public Servant Of Civil Candidates in PPMKP Ciawi-Bogor in 2019 counted 218 ( two hundreds eighteen) people. Result of research conclude the followings: Result of performance service of officer of Basic Training for Public Servant of Civil Candidates in Ministry of Agriculture in result of calculation of mean the obtained is to reside in among 3,88 up to 4,10. Hence as a whole can be said that by given by service performance is officer have according to participant expectation priority storey level as customer. Calculation of value make an index to service unit, expressed that IKM service in UPT of Training of Ministry of Agriculture to participant of training is, a) Value of IKM Conversion : 97,50, b) Quality Of Service: Gread A, c) Performance Service : Very Good. Service element lionized by participant and expected to become attention of party officer of UPT Training of Ministry of Agriculture is : Element 11 : All officer of PPMKP have discipline to and gracious to participant of training. Element 14 : All trainers used method according to target of training ( andragogi). Element 18 : Building of training balmy and clean. Element 20 : Hygiene of equipments and messroom eat goodness. Element 22 : Hygiene and settlement of good room chamber. Element 23 : Amount and good water quality. Element 24 : Appliance assist available instruction and ready for use. Element 26 Settlement of class room and rest room its good. Element 28: Available Observance Fasility. Element 29: Available Sport Fasility. UPT of Ministry of Agriculture have to give serious attention to service elements lionized by participant of training and have to maintain and also improve service elements which have gratified participant of training, so that participant will very satisfied. UPT of Training of Ministry of Agriculture better lessen expenditure to assumed service elements less the necessary for this thrift allocation and participant to improve; repair assumed service performance of vital importance by participant of training.
- ItemHubungan Kepemimpinan Transformasional dengan keinovatifan Widyaiswara di Lingkungan BPPSDMP Kementan(PPMKP, 2020-09) WIDOWATI, Binda Kharismarina; PPMKPThis research aims to determine the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Widyaiswara's Innovation in the Scope of The Counseling Agency and Human Resources Development of Agriculture (BPPSDMP), The Ministry of Agriculture. This research was conducted in 10 Technical Implementing Units (UPT) of BPPSDMP, The Ministry of Agriculture. The research method uses survey methods with a correlational approach. The study population numbered 177 Widyaiswara with a total sample of 123 Widyaiswara determined by proportional random sampling. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses using simple regression and correlation analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study concluded that: There is a very significant positive correlation between Transformational Leadership and Widyaiswara Innovation, with a correlation coefficient (ryx₁) of 0.631, a coefficient of determination (r₂yx₁) of 0.39.8 and supported by a simple linear regression equation Ŷ = 22.138 + 0.800 X₁. Thus it can be concluded that Widyaiswara's Innovation can be improved through Transformational Leadership.
- ItemAnalisis Efektivitas Rencana Tindak Lanjut Peserta Pelatihan(PPMKP, 2020-09) HARDJONO, Widi; PPMKPThis evaluation was conducted at Agricultural for Management and Leadership Training Center - Ciawi, Bogor at 2020. Descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the information (secondary data) obtained from the reports of the Agricultural Training in 2013 and 2015. Each of agricultural training was participated by at least 30 participants. Based on the observation, the Action Plan could not be implemented as planned because of several factors such as health problems, lack of support, too much work to be covered, duty changes and time constraints. Due to the following reasons which are the low number of participant joining the agricultural training from the same specific division on the office, changes in the priorities of the activities, and/or most of the participants work as extension services, the Action Plan which had been written by each participants therefore could not be used to measure the work performance of the whole institute or organization where participants work, because the Action Plan are implemented only by few and not representative of the population.
- ItemPengaruh kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) di Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Kementerian Pertanian(PPMKP, 2020-09) ADIA, Viera Restuani; PPMKPThe issue taken as the research object is the perfomance phenomenon of The Management and Leaderships Training Center, Ministry of Agriculture is not optimal. This research uses quantitative explanatory to saw how big influence of the Competence Official toward Performance THL Official by partial. There are 73 THL official as the population in this study of the Management and Leaderships Training Center, Ministry of Agriculture. And for the sampling by Slovin, there are 42 people within the research sample. The instrument used for the research is Likert Scale. The teories of this research are Competence Theory by Covey Roger and Rebbeca Merril from Prabu Mangkunegara. The analysis and discussion result showed that are positive influences and significant competency toward THL performance also positive influences and significant competence toward THL official performance at The Management and Leaderships Training Center, Ministry of Agriculture The conclusion of the research is the competency have 62,8 % influences upon to THL official performance at The Management and and Leaderships Training Center.
- ItemDampak Covid-19 terhadap perkembangan kegiatan pembelajaran(PPMKP, 2020-09) ARIFDARMA, Irfan; PPMKPCOVID-19 is a disease outbreak thought to have originated in China that is spreading rapidly throughout the world. COVID-19 spreads in Indonesia in February 2020. The spread of this virus has caused changes in both economic and social orders. In the field of education, COVID-19 affects also by drastically changing the learning model; all learning activities are carried out online. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that describes online learning activities at the Agricultural Management and Leadership Training Center (PPMKP). Data collection using interviews. Based on the results of interviews, learning activities in online mode at the Agricultural Management and Leadership Training Center (PPMKP) have been effective by taking advantage of innovations in digital information technology developments in the form of the Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Doc, Discor, Kahoot, Quizzis and Sli.do applications. . Obstacles in the implementation of online learning are the problem of internet connection that is not supportive and interactive for participants.
- ItemKAHOOT sebagai media pembelajaran berbasis digital game based learning(PPMKP, 2020-09) OKTARI, Y. Saptiana; PPMKPThe purpose of this research is to study how teachers' perceptions use Kahoot! in teaching activities or Education and Training (Diklat) in terms of the effectiveness of learning activities, interests in learning activities and in terms of motivation in learning activities. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The type of respondent selection is using purposive sampling, that is, teachers who have used Kahoot! in learning activities. The number of respondents was 30 people. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire with closed questions. Based on the results of this study are based on table 3.3 Table SPS Processed Frequency Result can be seen that mean from X1.1 to X3.4 according to the above 4, except for the requirements X1.2 (Kahoot!improve the success of learning) the number of mean is 3.90. Thus based on data meaning this and data on the results of respondents for each agreement (starting from table 3.4 to table 3.15) can be drawn a red thread using Kahoot! can provide a positive perception in terms of learning effectiveness, interest in learning activities and motivation in learning activities.
- ItemAnalisis perkembangan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan Pembelajaran Daring (E-Learning)(PPMKP, 2020-09) BUDHIANTO, Bambang; PPMKPThis review aims to analyse the development of e-learning and factors affecting the success of the implementation of e-learning. The results show the following. Development of e-learning is connected to development, technical improvement and also better affordability of computers. The creation of internet and world wide web (www) give a new perspective of e-learning, from Computer-Based Training (CBT) becomes Web-Based Training (WBT). New programs were created not only to teach, but also to allow the communication between the teacher and the student. Several factors affect the success of the implementation of e-learning. These factors are grouped into three groups. The first group consists of factors that relate with the system used for e-learning including the supporting infrastructures for the system. The second group consists of factors that have connection with the contents and information which will be given during the e-learning process. The third group consists of factors that relate with the user readiness of the system and also management and staff who will facilitate and support the implementation of e-learning. To be successful, institutions which will implement e-learning should consider the balanced preparation of those three groups of success factors of the implementation of elearning.