Jurnal Agriwidya


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    Intervensi komitmen organisasional dalam hubungan iklim organisasional terhadap dengan kinerja pegawai pada Tenaga Harian Lepas di BBPMKP Ciawi-Bogor
    (PPMKP, 2023-03) TAHIR, Yusral
    This study aims to determine the direct effect of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance and the indirect influence by mediating variable Organizational Commitment. The samples in this study were 57 employees of Balai Besar Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (BBPMKP) Ciawi - Bogor using sensus method specification. Data analysis technique used is based on analysis Structural Equational Model (SEM) with a Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. Results of this study indicate that there is influence between Organizational Climate on Employee Performance. From this research also obtained results that Organizational Commitment significantly mediates the effects of Organizational Climate on Employee Performance. Implications of the findings in this study are that organization should pay more attention to the employees', appreciation for their success in completing the work to increase organizational commitment of employees. In addition, the leaders must avoid any conflicts of interest that resulted in confusion employees in carrying out their work and interfere with the comfort of employees to increase organizational commitment of employees
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    Tingkat kualitas manajemen keuangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (Studi Kasus Pedagang Mikro di Kecamatan Ciawi-Bogor)
    (PPMKP, 2023-03) PERMANA, Rizky
    The aim in this research is to show and explain state of management in finance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) based on financial management theory particularly in terms of financial arrangements and management functions finance. Sampling was carried out by area sampling method. Source of data in this study is primary data obtained from structured questionnaires and open questionnaires distributed to actors distribution business. In the structured questionnaire the number of respondents is 55 persons and in the open questionnaire the number of respondents was 25 distributions. The method used in data processing is a statistical method descriptive to explain the mean, range, minimum, maximum and etc. So it can be concluded that respondens has not already have the title of good financial management. In terms of profit, distros have an average profit or net profit of 5% of their total investment every month. In terms of DER (Debt Equty Ratio), the average distro has a DER ratio of 0.8:1. WCTA (working capital to total assets) or current assets owned by the average distribution of 33.98% of the total assets owned
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    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja penyuluh pertanian di Kabupaten Lebak Provinsi Banten
    (PPMKP, 2023-03) HEPRIYANA, Martin; WIDOWATI, Binda Kharismarina
    One of the human resources who play a role in implementing government programs in agricultural development efforts is agricultural extension agent. The implementation of the tasks by the instructor is good or not can be seen from the achievement of the extension agent performance. The purpose of this study was to find out the determinants of the performance of agricultural extension agents in Lebak District. The population unit in this study was 117 agricultural extension agents in Lebak District. The sampling technique used is census. The basic method used in this study is a survey method by collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis in general the performance of agricultural extension agents in Lebak District are in the high category.
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    Pengaruh teknologi CHAT GPT terhadap dunia pendidikan : potensi dan tantangan
    (PPMKP, 2023-03) ARIFDARMA, Irfan
    Chat GPT technology is one of the latest innovations in the field of artificial intelligence that can be used to communicate with humans naturally. The use of this technology in education has great potential to improve the quality of learning and teaching. However, the use of Chat GPT technology in education also has challenges that need to be overcome. One of the main challenges is the concern that this technology can replace the role of teachers as a whole. Therefore, efforts need to be made to ensure that this technology is only used as a tool to assist teachers in providing better teaching. Apart from that, there are also challenges when it comes to the proper and ethical use of Chat GPT technology. Use of these technologies must be closely monitored to ensure that no inappropriate or unethical content is shown to students. In addition, it is also necessary to protect the privacy and data security of students who use this technology. Overall, the use of Chat GPT technology in education has great potential to improve the quality of teaching and learning. However, the challenges associated with the use of this technology also need to be addressed properly so that it can be used optimally and does not have a negative impact on the educational process.
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    Uji Organoleptik mie mocaf sayur di BBPP Ketindan
    (PPMKP, 2023-03) HERDINASTITI; MUARIF, Samsul
    Mocaf noodle is a good alternative to replace noodles that made from wheat flour. BBPP Ketindan innovated by adding vegetables to the mocaf noodle mixture, which is moringa, broccoli, and mustard greens. To know the preference of potential consumers on vegetable mocaf noodles, it is necessary to do an organoleptic test with 4 parameters, which is color, aroma, texture, and taste. From the results of the study, it found that mustard green mocaf noodle got the highest preference value, then broccoli mocaf noodle, and the last is moringa mocaf noodle.