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Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Balitbangtan Riau, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Kementerian Pertania
Penelitian ini bertujuan : a) menghasilkan asap cair tandan kosong sawit melalui proses pirolisis dan destilasi, dan b) mendapatkan konsentrasi asap cair dari tandan kosong yang efektif dalam pelaksanaan pengawetan ikan patin. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Indrapuri dan Laboratorium BPTP Riau yang dimulai Bulan Januari 2019 sampai dengan Desember 2019. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap pendahuluan atau tahap pembuatan asap cair, pemurnian (destilasi) dan tahap utama yaitu tahap pengujian efektivitas asap cair untuk pengawet ikan patin. Pada penelitian pendahuluan, dilakukan proses pirolisis asap cair dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit untuk kemudian digunakan pada penelitian utama. Penelitian tahap utama terdiri dari tiga level dan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Perlakuan tersebut adalah: A1 = 0%; A2 = 5%; A3 = 10%, A4 =15 %, A5 =20 %. Parameter yang diamati berupa produk yang dihasilkan saat pelaksanaan pirolisis dan saat pelaksanaan destilasi serta perubahan kenampakan: mata, mulut, insang, daging dan anus serta bau dari ikan patin tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pirolosis adalah asap cair yang berwarna keruh, kandungan tertinggi dan hanya bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pestisida alami, campuran asam semut untuk koagulasi getah karet dan pencegah rayap pada kayu bangunan, sedangkan hasil proses destilasi adalah asap cair berwarna putih jernih yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengawet ikan, pengawet makanan dll. Konsentrasi 15-10 % asap cair dapat mengawetkan ikan patin selama
4 hari penyimpanan.
Kata kunci: Asap cair, tandan kosong sawit, ikan patin
This research aims to: a) produce liquid smoke of Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm through pyrolysis and distillation processes b) get the concentration of liquid smoke from Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm which is effective in the implementation of catfish preservation. The research was conducted in Indrapuri Village and the Riau AIAT Laboratory, starting from January 2019 to December 2019. This research consisted of three stages, namely the preliminary stage or the stage of making liquid smoke, purification (distillation), and the main stage, namely the testing stage of the effectiveness of liquid smoke for fish preservatives catfish. In the preliminary research, the pyrolysis process of liquid smoke from Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm was carried out to be used in the main research. The main research stage consisted of three levels and was repeated three times. These treatments are: A1 = 0%; A2 = 5%; A3 = 10%, A4 = 15%, A5 = 20%. The parameters observed were the products produced during the pyrolysis and the distillation process as well as changes in appearance: eyes, mouth, gills, meat and anus as well as the smell of the catfish. The results showed that the results of pyrolisis were cloudy liquid smoke, the highest content and could only be used for natural pesticides, an ant acid mixture for rubber latex coagulation and termite prevention on building wood, while the result of the disitilation process was clear white liquid smoke that could be utilized. as a fish preservative, food preservative, etc. A concentration of 15-10% liquid smoke can preserve catfish for 4 days of storage.
Keywords: liquid smoke, Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm, catfish
Research Subject Categories::J Handling, transport, storage, and protection of agricultural products/ Penanganan, trasnpor, penyimpanan dan perlindungan hasil pertanian