Modifikasi Alat Tanam Bibit Padi Manual Tipe Dua Baris Model China

dc.contributor.authorBudiman, Diana A.
dc.contributor.authorSulistiadji, Koes
dc.contributor.otherBalai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanianen_US
dc.descriptionAlat Tanam Bibit Padi Manualen_US
dc.description.abstractSistem tanam padi sawah di Indonesia umumnya dilakukan dengan cara pindah tanam (96%). Walaupun dengan cara tersebut kebutuhan tenaga tanam lebih besar (mencapai 25 - 30% dari total tenaga produksi)dibandingkan tanam langsung maupun sebar tanam. Karena saat ini sudah terjadi kelangkaan tenaga tanam pada sentra-sentra produksi padi, maka perlu adanya alternatif penggunaan teknologi mekanisasi untuk kegiatan pindah tanam ini secara sederhana, mudah dan murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan modifikasi alat tanam bibit padi tipe dua baris model China, agar sesuai dengan lahan dan kebiasaan tanam bibit padi sawah di Indonesia. Metodologi yang digunakan dimulai dari identifikasi karakter bibit padi, lahan sawah dan cara tanam di Indonesia, kemudian dilakukan prarancangan. gambar teknik, pembuatan komponen dan perakitan alat tanam bibit padi tipe dua prototype. Prototipe yang dihasilkan diuji laboratorium, uji lapang dan modifikasi untuk mengetahui kinerja alat tanam. Hasil akhir uji lapang alat tanam bibit padi 2 baris menunjukkan bahwa jumlah bibit tertanam tiap lubang berkisar 2 - 8 batang/lubang (seharusnya 2 - 4 batang/lubang), jumlah lubang tidak ada tanaman 41,27% seharusnya < 5%), bibit mengambang 9,92% (seharusnya < 3 – 4%), bibit rusak 7,5% (seharusnya < 3 – 4%) dan kedalaman tanam sebesar 9,8 cm (seharusya 4,5 – 6 cm). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja alat tanam masih belum sempurna. Sedangkan kapasitas kerja sebesar 20,29 jam/ha (sudah memenuhi persyaratan yang diinginkan) dan biaya tanam sebesar Rp 351.000/ha (dapat ditekan dari Rp 750.000/ha atau 46,87%). Langkah selanjutnya akan dilakukan perbaikan terus menerus, terutama pada unit pengumpan dan pengambilan bibit sampai didapatkan hasil yang stabil Kata Kunci : Alat tanam bibit padi model China, tipe dua bads, modifikasi ABSTRACT Rice cropping systems in Indonesia is generally done by rice transplanting (96%). Although this plant needs a large amount of labor (up to 25-30% of the total power production), rather than direct seeding and spread seeding.Since the shortage of labor have occurred in the centers rice production, it needs an alternative use of mechanization technology for transplanting activity with simple, easy and cheaper ways. This study was aimed to modify two rows manual transplanter Chinese model related to the land conditions and the habit of rice farmers in Indonesia. The methodology used starting from the identification of the character of rice seeds, rice lowland and planting rice seedling manner. The methods consists pre design. technical drawings and manufacture of prototype equipment of two rows type rice transplanter. Laboratory tests, field testing and modifications of rice transplanter to determine and refine the performance of planting equipment. Based on field test results, they were obtained: number of rice seeds implanted ranged 2-8 plants / hole (it should be 2-4 plants / hole), 41.27% missing hills (it should be less than 5%). Floating-hill 9.92% (it should be less than 3-4%). damage hill 7.5% (it should be less than 3-4%) and planting depth was 9.8 cm (it should be 4.5 to 6 cm). The results indicated that the performance of rice transplanter was still not perfect. However. work capacity and the cost reduction of planting has been reached, each amounting to 20.29 hours/ha and Rp 351.000/ha (it reduced the cost of planting by 46.87%). The next step is still done by fixing some equepment components, such as: feeding units and rotary picker. Laboratory and field tests would be conducted thuously until stable results.en_US
dc.publisherBalai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanianen_US
dc.subjectalat Tanam Bibit Padi Model China,Tipe Dua Baris, Modifikasien_US
dc.titleModifikasi Alat Tanam Bibit Padi Manual Tipe Dua Baris Model Chinaen_US
dc.title.alternativeModification of Manual Transplaner Two Rows Type China Modelen_US
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