Inventarisasi dan Koleksi Jenis-Jenis Anggrek di Beberapa Kawasan Konservasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau

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Orchid is one of the most popular ornamental plants. The destruction of forest ecosystems causes natural orchids in the wild to be threatened with extinction. So it is necessary to carry out conservation activities both in situ and ex situ. This study aims to inventory and collect orchid species in several conservation areas in Pelalawan Regency. This research was conducted on 27 August-15 September 2018 in Tesso Nilo National Park, Rimbo Baleeng and Rimbo Salak City Forest, forest area in Teluk Meranti, Tasik Anggrek forest in Pelalawan, forest area in Ukui and Pangkalan Lesung sub-district. The research was conducted by exploration, observation and collection acivities with purposive sampling method. The exploration activities were carried out in each forest area to determine species diversity, habitus, numbers of specimen, presence or absence of flowers and fruit, and habitat conditions. The data are presented in the form of qualitative, descriptive and photos documentation. The results of the research obtained 68 collection numbers from 16 genera, which are Acriopsis, Agrostophyllum, Bromheadia, Bulbophyllum, Calanthe, Claderia, Cleisostoma, Dendrobium, Dipodium, Eulophia, Goodyera, Gramatopyllum, Liparis, Pomatocalpa, Thecostele, and Trichoglottis. The 44 number of collections were identified to the species level were 27 species included in 16 genera, while the 24 collections were only identified to the genera level. The most common species of orchids are Bulbophyllum spp. and Dendrobium spp. Mostly orchid collections were found from the forest area in Teluk Meranti. The live specimens of orchids were collected and conserved in the Pelalawan Botanic Gardens, Riau.
Orchids, Pelalawan Botanic Gardens, conservation