Pengaruh Paclobutrazol dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Viabilitas Entres Jambu Mente

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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan
The centres of chasew development are Located on diffrent-separated regions. Therefore, the use of superior scions for Improving the qality of plant material by Grafting willhave a high risk since the scions Are viable for only 3-4 days. Aiming at the Best components to maintain the viability of Scions for a longer period, an experiment was Conducted art the lath house of Cikampek Reseach Installation, From April to December 2000. The Experiment was perfomed with a Complete randomizedblock design, with 3 Replicates and 15 scions in each treatment. The Treatments were : A) growth regulator, Comsised of al) without growth regulator, a2) 250 ppm paclobutrazol, a3) 500 ppm paclobut Razol, a4) 1000 ppm paclobutrazol, and B). Storage period, consisted of : b2) 10 days, b2 ) 15 days. b3) 20 days and b4) 25 days Results Ofthe expriment showed that in general the Growth regulator paclobutarol has a possitive Effect on the viability of cashew scions. The Treatments 500 ppm paclobutrazol with 10 Days of storage and 500 ppm paclobutrazol With 25 days of storage, resulted in a 94,82% And 56,29 % succes pf grafiting, respectively.