Kajian Aplikasi Insektisida Nabati Piretrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) Pada Pertanaman Kubis Petani

Research wascarried out I pangalengan (west Java) and Bukit Tinggi (West Sumatra) In 199. The Objective wasto assess the efficacyof Batanical insecticide made from pyrethrum in the famers area.The research consisted of three activities , those were;(1) evaluation of phyrethrum, which was araranged at randomizedblock design. 6 replacition and  4 treatmens . The treatmens werephyrethrum, whichwas arranged at randomized block design. 6 replication and 4 treatments. The treatments were pyrethrum (laboratory formulation); pyrethrum(water extraction); the synthetic insecticide (famer’s technique) and water as control,(2) phyrethrum reidues analysis on the craps by using Elman’s method and (3) socioeconomic analysisof phyrethrum Result revaled thet by using pyrethrum.either made in the laboratory (5 ml/tr) or made conventionally (2.5 g/lt) could minimize yield lasses caused by pest attack.However. its effectivity was still below the synthetic insecticide at high rain capacity or high rain frequence . pyrethrum could be as effective as synthetic insecticide when the rain fall or frequency was low. Residue of liquid formulation  (pyretherum made in the laboratory) at the first and second day after treatment on cabbage was 15 and 10% while residue of water extraction was 12 and 9%.the highest income of cabbage farmers was obtained by the famer’s technique who applied synthetic insecticide on their crops, followed by pyrethrum (laboratory formulation) and pyrethrum (waterextract)