Keragaan Agronomi Mutan Cabai Merah Besar Tahan Virus Kuning Hasil Pengeditan Genom

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Red chili is included in the genus Capsicum which consists of 30 species, two of them are the most widely cultivated species in Indonesia, namely Capsicum annuum and C. frutescens. The Ministry of Agriculture has determined that red chili is one of the strategic agricultural commodities that has high economic value and the availability of its supply in the market affects inflation. One of the causes of the decline in red chili production is the attack of pests and plant diseases. Yellow virus caused by Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PepYLCV) from the Geminivirus group is one of the biotic stress factors in red chili. The use of directed mutagenesis technique with the CRISPR/Cas-9 (Clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated 9) system is carried out to knockout genes related to geminivirus resistance to produce mutant alleles which are expected to improve plant resistance against yellow virus disease. In a previous study, they succeeded in assembling the CRISPR/Cas9 directed mutagenesis construct for the PCNA gene and used it to carry out a directed mutation of the PCNA gene in large red chilies of Lingga and Ciko varieties. The purpose of this study was to determine the agronomic performance of the T1 and T2 generation mutant plants of large red chili varieties of Lingga and Ciko as a result of genome editing. A total of 10 T1 and 4 T2 generation mutant plants along with Lingga and Ciko varieties as controls were planted in the screen house, BB Biogen in the 1st and 2nd planting seasons. Based on observations in the screen house by combining the resistance data from previous research and the analysis of agronomic characters, 3 T1 generation mutants were obtained, namely L84-23, L83-11, and C47-7, which have resistance to yellow virus, high number of fruits and ideal plant structure. Observation of agronomic performance in T2 generation mutants obtained 35 individuals with better resistance to yellow virus and agronomic performance than control.
Directed mutation, genome editing, red chilli, yellow virus