Kajian Perbanyakan Produksi Umbi Bibit Kentang Melalui Sistem Aeroponik Dalam Mendukung Ketersediaan Bibit Unggul Di Sulawesi Selatan

dc.contributor.authorRuchjaniningsih, Ruchjaniningsih,Muhammad Thamrin, Abd WahidThamrin Muhammad,Wahid Abdl
dc.contributor.authorRuchjaniningsih, Ruchjaninigsih,Muhammad Thamrin dan Abd WahidThamrin Muhammad,Wahid Abdl
dc.contributor.otherAnida Husengen_US
dc.description.abstractABSTRAK Rend*hnya Produktivitas kentang disebcbkan oleh kurang tersedic:nyct bibit kenlang yang.' berkualitas iinggt dan penerapan teknik buelidaya secara terpadu yang belum sesuai dengan kebtttuhun tandman. Peigkajian dilaksanakan di kawasan sentra pengembangan kentang Sttlawesi Selatan, yang dilahtkon poia bttlan Januari-Desember 2017. Tttjuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan inovasi teknologi produ'ksi umbi bibit kentang unggttl, berdaya hasil tinggi dan bebas penyakit' parameter 3,ung iro*oti adalah pertumbuhan tanaman, intensitas serangon hama dan penyakit, produlrsi umbi Eibrt dan umbi konsttmsi serta pendapatan petani. Data hasil pengamotan dianalisis 'mertggmakan sidik ragam, tlan r.Jji Jarak Berganda Duncan 5%o. Dari hasil kegiatan menuniukkan paril"se*ua perlakuai perbanyakan ttmbi berbetla nyatu terhadap tinggi tanaman, lebar kanopi, ' jumlah ambi)tanamor, P"rruniose Umbi Busuk, bobot umbi/tanaman, dan persentase iumlah umbi' "perhanyakan umbi secara aeroponik menghasilkan iumlah umbiltanaman 19,35 lehih baik dari ksnvensional dimana umbi yan[ clihasikan lebih banyak dengan umbi yang sehat dan bdbas hama penyakit. Semua perlakuan peibanyakan umbi ditlominasi persentase bobot umbi <3A g, climana p"ilok,on aeroponik 368.25 dan konvensional rttmsh Kasa (72) 358.31, €3) 240.31 dan (74) 168.94 Kala Kunci: Kentang, umbi bihit, dan aerttponiken_US
dc.description.sponsorshipABSTK4CT The low productivity oJ'potatoes is caused by the lack of high quality potato seeds anel the appli' cation of integrated iuiiivation techniques that are not yet in accor{lance with the needs of the plants. The assessment was conductecl in South Sulawesi patala development center conducted in 'Janttary - December 2At/. The objective aJ'the research was to obtain technological innovation oJ' potato seed productivity superior, high yielct and disease free. The parilmeters observed were plant growth, intensitl; of lesti ancl disiases, pro:lttction of seed hulbs cnd consumption bulbs and jAr.urr'income. Tie-observed clata were analyzetl using multiformity tesl, and Duncan 52i' Duncan " Multiple Tbst. The resttlts of the activity shovved that all treatments far multiplicntion of'tubers were s;gniicantly tli-fferent for ptant height, canopy wiclth, number oJ-tubers / plants, Percentage t$' Rot Brlbs, tuber weight i ptants, and percentage oJ' lttbers. Aeroponic tuber propagation prodttces the nttmber af tubers / plints 19.35 better thai conventionol where the tubers are produced more with heatthy titbers and free oJ'pests. All ttber multiplicatiot', treatments v)ere dominated by percentage of buiU weight <30 g, where 368.25 aeroponic and conventional treatment houses (72) 358'31' (rc) 240.31 and (74) 168.94 Keywords:.Potato, seed bulbs, and aeroponicsen_US
dc.publisherBPTP Sulawesi Selatanen_US
dc.subjectKentang,umbi bibit,dan aeroponiken_US
dc.subjectKentang,umbi bibit,dan aeroponiken_US
dc.titleKajian Perbanyakan Produksi Umbi Bibit Kentang Melalui Sistem Aeroponik Dalam Mendukung Ketersediaan Bibit Unggul Di Sulawesi Selatanen_US
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