Effects of Trade Liberalization on Agriculture in Indonesia: Commodity Aspects
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Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (CGPRT Centre)
The Working Paper “Effects of Trade Liberalization on Agriculture in Indonesia: Commodity Aspects” as the report of the second phase of the country study of Indonesia. A report of the first phase of the country study, which includes institutional and structural aspects on the same subject, was published recently.
Research Subject Categories::E Economics, development, and rural sociology/Ekonomi, Pembangunan dan Sosiologi Pedesaan::E70 Trade, marketing and distribution/Perdagangan. Pemasaran dan distribusi, Research Subject Categories::E Economics, development, and rural sociology/Ekonomi, Pembangunan dan Sosiologi Pedesaan::E71 International trade/Perdagangan Internasional, Research Subject Categories::E Economics, development, and rural sociology/Ekonomi, Pembangunan dan Sosiologi Pedesaan::E72 Domestic trade/Perdagangan dalam Negeri, Research Subject Categories::J Handling, transport, storage, and protection of agricultural products/ Penanganan, trasnpor, penyimpanan dan perlindungan hasil pertanian::J10 Handling, transport, storage and protection of agricultural products