Keragaan Hasil Delapan Varietas Cabai Rawit Di Kabupaten Takalar (Various Result Of Eight Varietas Of Rawit Children In Takalar District) | Ruchjaniningsih, Ruchjaniningsih,Muhammad Thamrin, Abd WahidThamrin Muhammad,Wahid Abdl | |
dc.contributor.other | Anida Huseng | en_US | | 2020-01-16T01:46:31Z | | | 2020-01-16T01:46:31Z | | | 2019-06-20 | |
dc.description.abstract | Ccbai merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran penting clan bernilcti ekonomis tixggi sekixgga mendapdt prioritas unnk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Di sentra proeluksi memerlukan duh,mgun tehtolcgi vang inovatif dan penyediactn benih berrnutu vsrietas unggil yang cocok clalam upaya meningkatkan produlci cabai. Kajian ini ber&tjuan unntk mengetahui keragaan perhtmbuhan den hasil delcpan vqriela.s cabai rawit 1:ang ditanam di kelurahsn salqka kecamatan pattalasang kabupaten takalar dari bulan Mei * September 2016. Delapan variell's cabai 1,ang tlitanam cdalah Varietas: CRM I(Rabani Agrihon), CRM 3 (Primu Agrihort), Baro, sona, Chatra, Dewatu 43 FI. Genie, dqn Rinta FI. Metodologi 1;angdigtnakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok empat perlakuan dengan enam ulangan. Peubah yang diamati ad(tlah tinggi tanaman saat panen, lebcr kanopi, ttmtr berbunga dan hssil. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dai delapan vurietas cabai yang dikaii vaietas DewqtQ 43 F I memiliki daya hasil tertinggi yaittt 240 t/h{,. Tetapi kedelapan varietas cabai layak untuk diusahakan. Hasil tidak maktimat disebabkan kondisi umum sentra penadampingan pertanaman don sistem wahatani cabzi di Marus, Takalar clan Jeneponto di Sulatvesi Selatan belum sepenuhnya menerapkan sistem teknolggi produksi cabai khu.susnya budiduya yaug benar (sesuai SOP cabai). Kondisi ini menjadi salah satu penyebe* tingginya serangcrn hamet dan penyakit pada pertanaman cabai seperti Penyakit virus keriting, antraknasa, lalal buah(Dacus sp.), kutu putih, vims ktming clan lala fusorium.krdapat 4 vsrielos yang produksinva terbaik pada demplot iegiatan yaittt varietas Chqtrq, Dewata 43 l?1, Genie, dan Rinta FlTotal biaya digmakan dalam usahatuni di Kilttrah{tn Salaka, Kecsmstsn ?attallasang, Kabupaten Takalar sebesar Rp. 27, juta, dengan pendapatan bersih yang diterima pelrsni sebesar Rp. 64,6 iuta dan NC ratio 3,37 | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | Ckiti is an importnnt vegetuble commodity and ha: high economic value so thct it gets priori\) tu be rleveloped in Inclonesia. ln the production center requires the support of innovative technolog,t ancl the vtpply oJ' quality seetls oJ'sttperior varieties thqt are suituble in an elJbrt to incrersse chili production. This study aims to determine the growth per{armarce cnd yields oJ'eight variefies oJ'cayenne pepper grown in Salska sub-district af' Pattalcsang Sub-district af Takalar Regencyfrom Muy to September 2016. The eight varieties of chilli planted cre Varieties: CRM I (Rabsni Agrihort), CRM 3 (Prima Agrihort) , &arq. sona, ChatQ, Dewuta 43 Fl, Geuie, und Rinta Fl . The methoclolog; used was o randomizecl block design with four treatments with sLt replications. Variables observed were plant height at han;est, cqnop, w-idth, floweing age ancl yield. The reailts af the study showetl that oJ-the eight chiti varieties studied, the Dewata 43 Fl variety had the highest vield, namely 240 t / ha. But the eight vaieties of'chili are u:orth the eljbrt. The 1,ig17 was not aptimal due to lke general condition o/'the planting cinter ancl the chilti forming system in Maxts, Thkalar and Jeneponto in South Sulltvesi, v'hich hQd not yet rtluimplementet! the chili production technolog; system, especfully the right cultivation (according to the chili SO?)' This contlitiott is one of the ctruse.s o/'high pest and disease ultacks in ehilli cntp such tts curly viral diseose,,.fntit fies (Dacus sp.), Wite lice, yellotv virus and fusurium wilt. There are 4 varieties thut produce the best on the tlemonstretion plot, namely Ch{ttra variet,v , Dewata 43 FI, Genie, and Rinta Fl Tot.ll cosls used in./'arming in Sslqka Wtlage, Paltalhsang District, kkalar Regency were Rp. 27 million, with q net income received b1, Jitrmers qf Rp. 64,6 million and an R / C ratio of3.37 | en_US |
dc.identifier.issn | 1907-9265 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | id | en_US |
dc.publisher | BPTP Sul-Sel | en_US |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Berkala; | |
dc.subject | Cabai,varietas,keragaan,hasil | en_US |
dc.title | Keragaan Hasil Delapan Varietas Cabai Rawit Di Kabupaten Takalar (Various Result Of Eight Varietas Of Rawit Children In Takalar District) | en_US |
dc.type | Article | en_US |