Pengaruh Faktor Pengenceran PULP dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Nata De Kakao (The Effect Of Pulp Dilution And Storage Length On Quality Nata De Cacao | Dewayani Wanti, Wanti Dewayani ,Riswita Syamsuri Syamsuri Riswita | |
dc.contributor.other | Anida Huseng | en_US | | 2020-01-16T06:46:56Z | | | 2020-01-16T06:46:56Z | | | 2019-06-20 | |
dc.description.abstract | ABSTRAK Dalqm pengolal.tan biji kakao, yang lerbuang antara lain kulit bush dan pulp. Pulp merttpokan cairan yang kelttar padi saqtfermentasi. Pulp kakao dapat diolah menjadi makanan yang betguna bagi kesehatan y'aittt nata de kakao. Penelitian ini bertttjuan ttntuk mengetahui pengaruh fuktor pengenceran serta pengaruh waktu penyimpctnan terhadap kualitas nata de kckao yang dihasilkan. Pengkc$ian id dilaksanakan pada httlan Janttari hingga ilesember 2017 di laboratorium pasca panen BPTP Sulavesi Selutqn. R*ncangan yctng digurzakan aclalah rancangsn acak lengkup pola J'aktorial dan 3 (tigc) ulangan. Faktor pertama adujeh perbandingan pengenceran ptilp dan air dan faktor kedua adalah lama penyimpanan- Parameter yang diamati ad{tlah tibal nata, kadar qir serat kasctr, kadar gula, v''1Qrnl, tekstur dan rasa nzta de kqkao. Haiil penetitian menunjukkan pacla penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan bahwa-media pembuatan nata dari pulp kakao tanpa pengenceran, tielak terbentuk lapisan nata. Lapisan nata ttang p{tling tebal adalah perlakuan J'aktor pengenceran dengan perbantlingan t pulp : 3 air (t3, 53 mm). Ada interaksi nyatu antcrafaktor " pung"irrin 1an letma pinyimpanan terhaclap kadar air seret kasqr, kadar gula, warna, aroma, tekstur dan rasi nsta de kakao. Perlcktnn yang terbaik dun disukai pcznelis aclalah nata de kckao dengrsn pengenceran 'pkeacrblaar nclinganlpulp: l2ctirclenganlamapenyimpananl2bulandengankadarair6A,6T%),serqt(2'57yo)' ggli 1SO,SZ,/r1, wqrna a*up elisukai (skor 3,73), aroma cukup disukai (skor 3'87), tekstur disukai (4,4) dan rasu disukai (skor 4,6). .i' Kuta Kunci ; kukao (Theobroma cacao L.),lama penyimpurton, ntta cle kakao, pengenceran Buletin Inova:i Perlanian, No. l6 Tahun 20 l9 75 | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | ABSTRACK [n the processing of cocoa becms, the wasted amang athers the skin of fruit and pttlp. Pulp is a fluid thoi comes aut at the time offermentation. Cocoa Pulp can be processed intofood thal is use.ful.for health namely Nata cle cocoa. This activity aims to determine the influence of the dilutiax.factar and influence oJ' storage tim. to the quality of the resulting nata de cocoa. This research was conducted frttm Janua: ta December 2017 at Post-Haryest Laboratory Assement Institutes for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) of South Sulswesi' Tke research usecl complete ranelom factorial pattern design with 3 (three) repetition. The first.factor is a comparison of putp clihttion and water and storage length as the secontl .factor. The parameters are observed are thick n*s, water colrtent, coarse .fiber sugor conlent, caloa texture and taste of Nata de cocoa- The research resnlts in preliminary research is fitttncl that the media manufae ture of natafrom cocoa pulp without rlilution, did not form the nata layer. The thickest nata layer is the treatment of dilutian factor with a comparis.n of I pulp: 3 water (t3,53 mm). The results showed that there wus a signiJicant interaction between the dilutionlactor and long storage of water content, coarse/iber sugar cantent, color,'texture end taste af Nata tle cocoa. The best tr€atment ancl preferred panelist is Nata de cocoa with dill.tion I pulp comparison: l2 water tyith I2 months of lenght storage with water coiltent {8A.67%a}, coarse Jiber (2.57%)' sugar content (59.57o/r), colar is quite likecl (score 3.73), aroma is quite preferred (score 3.87 ), the texture is liked (4.4) and the taste is liked {score 4.6). Keywords: cccao (Theobromo cacao L.), storage length, nqta de cacao, dilution ABSTRAK | en_US |
dc.identifier.issn | 1907-9265 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | id | en_US |
dc.publisher | BPTP Sulawesi Selatan | en_US |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Berkala; | |
dc.subject | kakao (theobroma cacao L.),lama penyimpanan,nata de kakao,pengenceran. | en_US |
dc.title | Pengaruh Faktor Pengenceran PULP dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Nata De Kakao (The Effect Of Pulp Dilution And Storage Length On Quality Nata De Cacao | en_US |
dc.type | Article | en_US |