Additional References Supporting Jamu as an Indonesian Brand
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Ditjen Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Pertanian/PPHP
As a cultural heritage, Jamu is one of Indonesia's cultural produces based on local resources and the creativity of the nation. Jamu needs co be maintained and further developed as it not only provides economic benefits such as the creation of markets both domestic market and international market, import substitution, creation of employment, and the increase in the farmers' income, but it will also
have an impact on the improvement of the quality of life (health, fitness, beauty) as well as giving an image of Indonesia as a Nation.
Jamu as an Indonesian Brand has been declared by the stakeholders of Jamu (Government, Businessmen in the Jamu seccor, academics, historians, etc.) on March 4, 2008.
This book "Additional References Supporting Jamu as an Indonesian Brand" expected to be a reference for the various parties in developing and promoting "Jamu" as one of the wisdom of Indonesia for the World.
Research Subject Categories::J Handling, transport, storage, and protection of agricultural products/ Penanganan, trasnpor, penyimpanan dan perlindungan hasil pertanian::J10 Handling, transport, storage and protection of agricultural products