Pengaruh Pupuk N, P dan K Terhadap Perumbuhan dan Hasil Tanama Serai Dapur di Tanah Latosol Citayam

Effect of N, P, K fertilizer on growth and production of Cymbopogon citrates at Citayam latosal soil.A study on the Effect of N, P, K fertilizer on growth and production of Cymbopogon citrates at Citayam latosal soil. Was conducted from Juni 1992 till August 1993. The experiment was performed with a randomized block design arranged factorially. The factors tested were dosages of N (0, 0.90 and 1.8 g N per plant), P (0 and 0.46 g P2O5 per plant), and K (0 and 1.2 g K2O per plant). The result showed that N and K fertilizers significantly increased the yield. N fertilizers significantly increased the numbers of tillers, and K fertilizers significantly increased the plant height. Dosages of 1.8 g N per plant and 1.2 g K2O per plant showed the highest yield. There was no significant interaction between N, P, and K on all the parameter (number of tiller, plant height and yield).