Karakteristik Morfologi Aksesi Terung (Solanum sp.) Koleksi dari Beberapa Wilayah di Indonesia

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Eggplant is an autogamous diploid plant with 12 chromosomes (2n=24), and a species with a wide diversity of morphological characteristics such as fruit color and shape, growth habit and plant vigor, and prickliness. Genetic conservation and characterization are fundamental things that must be done in plant breeding to be used as genetic material. This study was conducted to determine the diversity and morphological characteristics of 20 eggplant accessions originating from several regions in Indonesia, including wild relative. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The characterization results showed that accession SL-TE 74 had a very prostrate growth character, have many spines on stems and leaves, and have many prickles on pedicle fruit. In SL-TE 581 it has an upright growth type, the plant have not spines on stem, and the fruit color is purplish green, the ratio of fruit length and width is 2:1. Accession SL-TE 589 had an upright growth with plant height reaching 150 cm, round fruit shape and 1 cm in size with a ratio of length and width of fruit 1:1. Accession SL-TE 585 had a very upright growth type, it have not spines on stem and leaves, green fruit color, and the ratio of fruit length and width is 2:1. Based on the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) analysis, the 20 accessions were divided into 4 quadrants. SL-TE 74 is in quadrant II, SL-TE 589 is in quadrant III, while other accessions are spread out in quadrants I and IV.
Diversity, eggplant, morphology, principal component analysis, Solanum sp.