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Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Bogor
ABSTRACTPotato production and business needs strong support from the aspect of supplying certified seeds of various superior varieties. At present the seed producers have not been able to meet the demand and the price of seeds is relatively expensive, potato farmers tend to use the seeds of their crops which have disadvantages: small tubers, easily contracting the disease, experiencing a period of dormancy causing a decrease in production. The low use of certified seeds is due to: limited business capital, difficulty obtaining certified seeds, because of the lack of information received by farmers, and farmers do not understand the benefits of certified seeds, because of the low mastery of technology. In the Argapura District Program the use of new certified seeds was 43.12 Ha, the remaining 54.88 Ha had not applied certified seeds. The level of motivation of farmers in the use of certified potato seeds as a whole is in the medium category, because it has a mean value of 2.8. The relationship between knowledge and farmers' motivation in using certified seeds is 0.621 ** indicating a strong level of relationship. Factors driving the use of certified seeds include seed candidates, uniform growth and increased production. Inhibiting factors include the behavior of farmers who often mix pure seeds with local seeds in the cultivation system. The intrinsic factor is dominant compared to extrinsic factors. This means that motivation in the use of certified seeds is predominantly influenced by the farmer himself who wishes to get good and pure seeds so that it has an impact on increased production. ABSTRAKUsaha dan produksi kentang yang tinggi memerlukan dukungan yang kuat dari aspek penyediaan benih bersertifikat. Saat ini produsen benih belum dapat memenuhi permintaan dan harga benih masih relatif mahal. Petani kentang cenderung menggunakan benih dari hasil panennya yang memiliki kelemahan: umbi kecil, mudah tertular penyakit, mengalami masa dormansi sehingga menyebabkan penurunan produksi. Rendahnya penggunaan benih bersertifikat disebabkan: keterbatasan modal usaha, sulit memperoleh benih bersertifikat, karena minimnya informasi yang diterima oleh petani, dan petani tidak mengerti akan manfaat benih bersertifikat, karena rendahnya penguasaan teknologi. Dalam Programa Kecamatan Argapura penggunaan benih unggul bersertifikat baru 43,12 Ha, sisanya 54,88 Ha belum menerapkan benih bersertifikat. Tingkat motivasi petani dalam penggunaan benih kentang bersertifikat secara keseluruhan katagori sedang, karena memiliki nilai rerata 2,8. Hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan motivasi petani dalam penggunaan benih bersertifikat yaitu 0,621** menunjukkan tingkat hubungan yang kuat. Faktor pendorong penggunaan benih bersertifikat meliputi calon benih, pertumbuhan seragam dan produksi meningkat. Faktor penghambat meliputi perilaku petani yang sering mencampurkan benih murni dengan benih lokal pada sistem budidaya. Faktor intrinsik dominan dibandingkan dengan faktor ekstrinsik. Hal ini berarti motivasi dalam penggunaan benih bersertifikat dominan dipengaruhi oleh perilaku petani itu sendiri yang berkeinginan untuk mendapatkan benih yang baik dan murni sehingga berdampak pada produksi yang meningkat.