Evaluasi penetapan siklus PDCA pada Program Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Pengawas dalam menghadapi Re-Akreditasi Program Pelatihan

Supervisor Leadership Training is training held to improve the competence of supervisor positions in controlling all implementation activities according to standard operating procedures to become service leaders. PPSDMA has obtained category B accreditation in 2018 with a validity period of 3 years. This category provides opportunities and challenges for PPSDMA to continue to make continuous improvements in the implementation of training. Therefore, PPSDMA needs to conduct a self-assessment of the quality of training based on the accreditation assessment instrument from Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN). LAN uses the PDCA cycle method in conducting accreditation assessments. The purpose of this study is to assess the completeness and quality of the Supervisory Leadership Training document and provide recommendations for improvement in the face of re-accreditation in 2021. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, including reviewing the 2018 accreditation documents, interviews, and FGDs (focused). With parties involved in accreditation. From the results of this study, it was found that PPSDMA has an important role in the three stages of the accreditation process, namely the preparation of accreditation documents, visitations, and improvement of accreditation data. This accreditation assessment consists of six elements of assessment, namely: elements of planning, elements of implementation, elements of evaluation, elements of the results of the implementation of training, elements of financing, and elements of supporting facilities for the training program. Based on the results of the self -assessment conducted, PPSDMA only obtained a score of 84.06 or category B because it only met three assessment elements, namely the evaluation element, the results of the training, and financing. However, if PPSDMA completes and improves the quality of documents submitted to other elements, then PPSDMA can obtain an independent assessment result of 95.83 or category A in the Supervisory Leadership Training program.
Evaluasi, Siklus PDCA, Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Pengawas, Akreditasi, Pelatihan, Program Pelatihan