Persamaan persepsi Coach, Mentor dan Penguji sebagai penentu output Aktualisasi Peserta Pelatihan Dasar (Latsar) CPNS

Equality of perception actually equates opinions and thoughts for the same goal. In the implementation of Habituation on Agenda IV, the role of coaches, mentors and examiners is one of the determining factors for the success of participants in understanding the design content and actualization reports carried out during habituation in addition to of course the ability of the participants themselves to knit understanding of the concepts that have been learned from agenda I, II and III to be internalized in their duties and functions during the probationary period as a Candidate for Civil Servants. However, it often happens that the mentoring of coaches while on campus or of mentors at work (off campus) does not meet the targets when the seminar design and actualization process gets responses and questions that are less relevant from examiners who incidentally do not have a complete understanding of the output. design assessment and participant actualization reports. This study is intended to see the impact of the examiner's competence on the determination of the participants' passing criteria. The method used is a descriptive method with a survey approach through in-depth interviews with the coach and participants as respondents and observing the results of the graduation of participants in each class of Latsar Group III implementation in several Implementations of the 2021 Latsar. Data collection was carried out using the sampling method. The results of the study show that although the Training Organizer seeks to have a common perception for determining the final results of the participants' graduation, the graduation rankings often cause disappointment for participants due to the different perspectives of the examiners. So it raises the assumption that whatever effort is made to produce actualization output depends on how the end result of the tester is. Therefore, this study recommends two things to the organizers, namely the establishment of a balanced mechanism in assigning scores and appointing examiners who are not only competent in terms of the substance to be tested but more importantly understand the target values contained in the assessment format that has been determined.
Pelatihan, Peserta Pelatihan, Pelatihan Dasar CPNS, Aktualisasi, Coach, Mentor, Penguji