Efektivitas media pembelajaran berbasis infografis terhadap tingkat pemahaman materi pada Peserta Pelatihan Dasar CPNS
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of infographics on the level of understanding of the material for the participants of Latsar CPNS class III class II of the Ministry of Agriculture in
2021 with the material of National Insight and the values of Defending the Negra. The form of this research is classroom action research which is carried out in two cycles. The subjects of this study were Widyaiswara participants of the Class III CPNS Latsar Class II Ministry of Agriculture in 2021 at PPMKP, totaling 37 people. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research, namely research for changes made in the classroom to improve the quality of the learning process and the professionalism of the education staff. The type of research used in this research is experimental research. Experimental research is a way to find a causal relati onship between two factors that are deliberately caused by researchers by eliminating or reducing or setting aside other disturbing factors.
The results of the test scores obtained from the infographic method are further compared with the test scores of the previous generation with the same subject matter. Then the data was analyzed using the variable testing method. Before the data is analyzed there must be tested for data analysis requirements, namely hypothesis testing using regression analysis. After hypothesis testing is completed, the data collected from the questionnaire is processed and applied to an interpretation scale according to scores to measure the effectiveness/strength of the infographic. Seen the increase in the results, the average value of the latsar participants who were selected as the first cycle class was 8.86. Meanwhile for the group of trainees who were selected as the second cycle, the pretest average was 10.27. From the t-test results obtained a significant difference in the average posttest value with tcount = 2.527 and ttable = 1.708 for a
= 0.05 because tcount> ttable, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of using infographic media based on the results of the hypothesis that has been done obtained data tcount is 2,780 while ttable is 1,708, the comparison shows that tcount > t table (2,780 > 1,708) which means Ha is accepted and there is an influence of infographic media on the learning outcomes of latsat participants with the material of National Insight and State Defense values.
media pembelajaran, Infografis, Peserta Pelatihan, Pelatihan Dasar CPNS