Efektivitas Coaching Online atau daring pada Peserta Pelatihan Dasar CPNS Golongan II di Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian

Basic Training for Civil Servant Candidates is a must which is carried out in accordance with the mandate of LAN Regulation No. 1 of 2021 concerning Basic Civil Servant Training, this regulation is a regulation that has been designed according to the times and in accordance with the situation and conditions of the Covid 19 Pandemic that hit the whole world. Therefore, this basic training activity was carried out using the blended learning method. However, in reality, the implementation of this new learning method encountered many obstacles, which could come from the teachers, participants, or from each participating institution. The majority of participants are new people working in the government sector, they still do not know and lack information related to the problems faced by their respective organizations, plus basic training learning is carried out fully online for Group II participants. As a coach, of course, this is a challenge in conveying the intent, purpose, and usefulness of actualization for participants and organizations online and requires extra time and energy in explaining, because it is important to know that face -to-face and online learning are very different. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it has been found that the answer is that online coaching activities can be said to be effective with various indicators that are used as the basis for determining whether online coaching activities are effective or not.
Coaching, Online, Pelatihan Dasar CPNS Golongan II, Pelatihan, CPNS, Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP)