Hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dan kepemimpinan transformasional dengan keinovatifan Widyaiswara BPPSDMP Kementerian Pertanian di BPP Lembang, Balai Diklat Pertanian Cianjur dan PPMKP Ciawi-Bogor

This research aims to determine the relation among achievement motivation and transformational leadership with innovation of Widyaiswara (Lecturer). This research was conducted in 5 Technical Executive Units of Agency for Development and Empowerment of Agricultural Human Resources such as BBPP Lembang, BPP Lampung, Balai Diklat pertanian Cianjur dan PPMKP Ciawi – Bogor, in Java in 2017. The research used survey method with the correlational approach. The population of research consisted of 120 Lecturers (Widyaiswara) in which 93 of them were determined with proportional random sampling. Based on the research result, it is concluded that 1) there is a positive relation which is very significant between achievement motivation and innovation of Widyaiswara, 2) there is a positive relation which is very significant between transformational leadership and innovation of Widyaiswara, and 3) there is a positive relation which is very significant between achievement motivation and transformational leadership with innovation of Widaiswara. Thus, it can be concluded that innovation of Widyaiswara can be improved through achievement motivation and transformational leadership individually and together.
motivasi, kepemimpinan, transformasional, inovasi, kepemimpinan transformasional, widyaiswara, kementerian Pertanian