Keragaan Sifat Morfologi Plasma Nutfah Gembili (Dioscorea Spp.) di Papua

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BB Biogen
Yam (Dioscorea spp.) are important crop plants widely cultivated in Papua Province, where farmer maintain many named landraces. Nevertheless, little is known about their diversity and species identity. The study was to identify of morfological character of yam germplasm in Papua. Fourty two accession of yam germplasm collection were planted at Merauke and Jayapura Experimental Station of Papua Assesment Station for Agricultural Technology from September 2008 to June 2009. Result showed that the diversity of stem cross-section shape at base was dominated by round and quadrangular with 29 and 9 accession, respectively, whereas the stem cross-section shape at base of square and octagonal each two accession. Twining direction of stem dominated by climbing to the left or clockwise. Leaf shape dominated by cordate with 23 accession, petiole colour dominated by green and brownish green consist of 18 and 8 accession, resvectively. Petiole colour which all green with purple both end, consist of five accession. Distance between lobes commonly intermediate and six accession which have not measurable distance.
Dioscorea spp, plasma nutfah, morfologi batang, morfologi daun, Papua.