Pengelolaan Lahan Kering Beriklim Kering untuk Pengembangan Jagung di Nusa Tenggara

dc.coverageNusa Tenggaraen-US
dc.creatorMulyani, Anny; Indonesian Center for Agricultural Research and Development, Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture
dc.creatorSuwanda, Mamat Haris; Indonesian Center for Agricultural Research and Development, Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture
dc.descriptionAbstrak. Wilayah Nusa Tenggara mempunyai lahan kering beriklim kering seluas 4,9 juta ha dengan curah hujan <2.000 mm/tahun dan bulan kering 5-10 bulan, bersolum tanah dangkal dan berbatu. Sebagian lahan tersebut sudah dimanfaatkan menjadi lahan pertanian terutama jagung, akibatnya produktivitas tanaman jagung rendah dibandingkan potensi genetiknya, yaitu sekitar 2,5 ton/ha di NTT dan 5,3 ton/ha di NTB dibanding dengan potensi genetiknya 9 ton/ha. Sejak tahun 2010-2015, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian telah mengembangkan inovasi teknologi pengelolaan lahan kering beriklim kering dan berbatu di beberapa kabupaten di NTT dan NTB, meliputi penyediaan sumberdaya air (dam parit, embung, tampung renteng mini, sumur dangkal), pengenalan varietas unggul baru dan budidaya tanaman pangan. Pembelajaran yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan air menjadi titik ungkit untuk meningkatkan indeks pertanaman dan produktivitas tanaman. Inovasi teknologi yang dibutuhkan petani adalah, mudah diterapkan, biaya murah, dan efisien tenaga kerja mendorong berlanjutnya teknologi tersebut meskipun progam tersebut telah selesai. Pada tahun 2014-2018 telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pertanian konservasi melalui dana hibah barang dan jasa yang dikelola FAO. Prinsip dasar pertanian konservasi terdiri atas 3 pilar, yaitu olah tanah terbatas berupa lubang olah permanen, penutupan permukaan tanah, rotasi/tumpangsari. Lubang tanam tersebut diberi pupuk kandang atau kompos, dan ditanami jagung pada 4 penjuru lubang, dan ditumpangsarikan dengan berbagai kacang-kacangan atau tanaman merambat seperti labu kuning yang berfungsi sebagai penutup tanah dan penghasilan tambahan dari kacang-kacangan berumur pendek. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tanah sebelum dan sesudah implementasi pertanian konservasi menunjukkan bahwa pertanian konservasi dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah, retensi air dan meningkatkan produksi tanaman jagung. Abstract. The Nusa Tenggara region has upland area with dry climate of 4.9 million ha, less than 2,000 mm annual rainfall, 5-10 dry months, shallow and rocky soils. Some of the land has been used for agricultural development, especially corn, resulting in low corn productivity of around 2.5 tons / ha in NTT and 5.3 tons / ha in NTB as compared to it genetic potential 9 tons /ha. Since 2010-2015, Indonesian Agency of Agricultural Research and Development has developed innovation of soil management technology for upland with dry climates and and rocky soils in several districts in NTT and NTB. The innovation includes the provision of water resources (dam trenches, reservoirs, mini catchments, and shallow wells), introduction of new high yielding varieties and cultivation crops. The lessons learned show that water supply is the initial point to increase cropping index and crop productivity. Technological innovations needed by farmers are easy to implement, low cost, and labor efficient thereby encourage the continuation of the technology even though the program has been completed. In 2014-2018, conservation agriculture activities were carried out through grants of goods and services managed by Food Agriculture Organization (FAO). The basic principle of conservation agriculture consists of 3 pillars, namely limited tillage in the form of permanent planting holes, cover crops, rotation / intercropping. The planting hole is given manure or compost, and planted with corn in 4 corners, and intercropped with various nuts or vines such as pumpkin that serves as a soil cover and additional income from short-lived beans. Based on the results of soil analysis before and after the implementation of conservation agriculture, it shows that conservation agriculture can increase soil fertility, water retention and increase corn crop production.en-US
dc.publisherIndonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Developmenten-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahanen-US
dc.sourceJurnal Sumberdaya Lahan; Vol 13, No 1 (2019); 41-52en-US
dc.subjectagriculture, soil,en-US
dc.subjectLahan kering iklim kering, berbatu, pengembangan jagungen-US
dc.subjectmanagement soilen-US
dc.titlePengelolaan Lahan Kering Beriklim Kering untuk Pengembangan Jagung di Nusa Tenggaraen-US
dc.typePeer-reviewed Articleen-US
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