Telah dilakukan pembuatan formula fly spray dengan bahan aktif utama ekstrak piretrum dan uji efTektivitasnya dilakukan terhadap serangga rumah tangga. Penelitian dimulai dari April sampai Oktober 2001 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hasil dan Keteknikan, Balinro dan Laboratorium Entomologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB Komponen formula terdiri dari ekstrak piretrum, minyak serai wangi, minyak wijen, naftalen, pine oil, pclarut pertasol CB dan LAWS. Perlakuan formulasi yaitu dibual variasi konsentrasi ekstrak piretrum ( 0.041% dan 0.052% ), penambahan/tanpa pine oil (0%, 0.1%) dan natalen (0%, 1.0%) serta jenis pclarut (LAWS dan pertasol CB). Uji effektivitas dilakukan terhadap serangga rumah tangga yaitu lalat, nyamuk, semut dan kecoa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dua formula yaitu Fi dan F, adalah formula paling effektif terhadap lalat Musca domeslica dan sebagai formula terpilih adalah Fj. Formula ini effektif terhadap nyamuk Culex qumquefasciatus dengan mematikan 92% pada menit ke dua sangat efektif terhadap semut t'onera sp. dengan angka kematian 100% pada menit ke dua, dan kurang effektif terhadap kecoa Blatella germanica menyebabkan kematian 90% pada menil ke 30. Komposisi formula F> terdii dari ekstrak piretrum dengan kadar piretrin 0.041%, minyak serai wangi 0.1%, minyak wijen 3%, natalen 1% dan pelarut LAWS. Pelarut terbaik untuk formula ini adalah LAWS.Kata kunci: Fly spray, Piretrum, formulasi, uji effektivitas, serangga rumah tangga ABSTRACT Fly spray formulation of pyrethrum extract and its effectiveness on housefliesThe production of ly spray formula with active ingredient pyrethrum extract and its efficacy on houselics were conducted from Apil to October 2001 at (he Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, Bogor and at Entomology laboratory of FKH - IPB. The formula was made from pyrethrum extract, citronella oil, sesame oil, natalein, pine oil and solvent, i.e pertasol CB and LAWS. The parameters observed were the variation concentration of pyrethrum extract (0.041% and 0.051%), added with pine oil (0%, 0.1%), natalein (0%, 1.0%) and solvents (LAWS and pertasol CB). The eficacy lest was conducted on houselies which included housely, mosquito, ant and cockroach. The result showed that F> and Fi were ihe most effective to M. domeslica and Fi is the selected formula. Fi was effective to Cx. qumquefasciatus mosquito which killed 92% of the mosquito in two minutes, and very effective to Ponera sp ants which killed 100% in iwo minutes, and less effective to B. germanica cockroach which killed 90% in half hour. The Fj formula was made from pyrethrum extract with 0.041% piretrin, 0.1% citronella oil, 3% sesame oil, 1% natalein and LAWS solvent LAWS was the best solvent for the formula.Key words : Fly spray, pyrethrum, formulation, efficacy test, houselies
Fly spray;Piretrum;formulasi;uji effektivitas;serangga rumah tangga