Evaluasi Ketahanan Plasma Nutfah Kenaf terhadap Cekaman Fe pada pH Masam Evaluation of Kenaf Germplasm to High Fe Concentration and Low pH Resistance

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi ketahanan plasma nutfah kenaf pada lingkungan konsentrasi Fe yang ekstrim dan pH masam telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Pemuliaan Balittas, Malang, mulai bulan Januari–Desember 2008. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan ran-cangan acak kelompok yang diulang 3 kali. Bahan penelitian terdiri dari 100 aksesi kenaf yang diuji di labo-ratorium pada tingkat bibit. Pada setiap ulangan, masing-masing aksesi kenaf diuji sebanyak 20 bibit ber-umur 3–4 hari, yang ditanam pada stereo-foam berlapiskan kasa strimin. Bibit dipelihara pada larutan nu-trien ”Yoshida” dan diberi perlakuan konsentrasi unsur Fe 350 ppm dan pH 4. Sebagai pembanding diguna-kan nutrien yang sama dengan konsentrasi Fe = 0 ppm dan pH netral. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap pan-jang akar, panjang hipokotil, berat kering akar, dan berat kering hipokotil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketahanan 100 aksesi kenaf yang diuji terhadap kelebihan Fe pada pH masam bervariasi; tetapi ada 8 aksesi yang tergolong tahan, yaitu aksesi nomer 449, 461, 476, 782, 785, 833, 836, dan 839.The objective of this experiment was to find out information of kenaf germplasm resistance to high Fe con-centration and low pH of media. The experiment was conducted in laboratory and green house of plant breeding division, IToFCRI, Malang from January to December 2008. The experiment was designed in ran-domized block design with three replications. One hundred accessions of kenaf seedlings were evaluated in laboratory. Each accession in each replicate consisted of 20 seedlings (3–4 days old) were planted in stereo-foam trays with plastic gauze layer. Seedlings were maintained in “Yoshida” nutrient solution and treated with 350 ppm Fe concentration and pH 4. The same media with 0 ppm Fe and neutral pH was used as a control. The parameters observed were root and hypocotyls length, root and hypocotyls dry weight. Results of this experiment showed that the resistance to excess Fe in low pH of 100 accessions evaluated were va-ried. Out of 100 accessions, eight accessions were categorised as resistant i.e. accession no. 449, 461, 476, 782, 785, 833, 836, and 839.
Kenaf; Hibiscus cannabinus L.; plasma nutfah; evaluasi; Fe; Kenaf; Hibiscus cannabinus L.; germplasm; evaluation; Fe