Pengaruh Konsentrasi Benzil Adenin terhadap Kualitas Pascapanen Dracaena sanderiana dan Codiaeum variegatum
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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan pengaruh berbagai konsentrasi benzil adenin �B� � � (BA) terhadap kualitas Dracaena sanderiana dan Codiaeum variegatum pada saat simulasi pengangkutan melalui laut (di ruang gelap). Perlakuan terdiri dari konsentrasi BA: 0 (kontrol), 75, 150, 225, dan 300 mg/l. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitias D. sanderiana dan C. variegatum pada parameter laju fotosintesis, konduktansi stomata, kadar klorofil, tinggi tanaman, dan kelas tanaman dipengaruhi oleh benzil adenin. Pada D. sanderiana laju fotosintesis (6,74 μmol/m2/det) dan kandungan klorofil tertinggi dicapai pada konsentrasi 300 mg/l, sedangkan pada C. variegatum tertinggi (5,40 μmol/m2/det) pada konsentrasi 150 mg/l. K� � � � Kadar fotosintesis meningkat dengan meningkatnya kandungan klorofil. Kadar fotosintesis pada perlakuan ini 2 kali lipat bila dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Konduktansi stomata, berat segar daun, dan kelas tanaman juga dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi BA. Kadar fotosintesis dan kandungan klorofil pada D. sanderiana di mana tanaman yang diberi perlakuan 300 mg/l BA menunjukkan bahwa tanggap tanaman lebih baik dan kebutuhan C. variegatum memerlukan konsentrasi yang lebih rendah (150 mg/l BA). Kelas tanaman yang lebih baik seperti warna daun hijau gelap dan segar. Dracaena sanderiana dan C. variegatum masing-masing menghendaki konsentrasi BA 300 mg/l (4,50 = kualitas sangat baik) dan 150 mg/l (4,17 = kualitas sangat baik).ABSTRACT. Fuadi, M. and Y. Hilman. 2008. The Effect of Benzyl Adenine Concentration on Postharvest Quality of Dracaena sanderiana and Codiaeum variegatum. This study was carried out with the main objective of looking at the effects of benzyl adenine (BA) on the growth and quality retention of Dracaena sanderiana and Codiaeum variegatum during simulation of subsequent shipping conditions (in the dark chamber). Concentrations of BA applied were 0 (control), 75, 150, 225, and 300 mg/l. The results showed that the growth and plant quality of D. sanderiana and C. variegatum in terms of photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, plant height, and plant grade were significantly (p<0.05) affected by BA. The highest photosynthesis rate (6.74 μmol/m2/sec.) and chlorophyll content were found on D. sanderiana sprayed with 300 mg/l BA, while C. variegatum gave the highest photosyntesis rate (5.40 μmol/m2/sec.) at application of 150 mg/l BA. As expected, photosynthesis rate increased with higher chlorophyll content. The photosynthesis rate for both treatments were double compared to the other treatments. Stomatal conductance, leaf fresh weight, and plant grade were also significantly (p<0.05) affected with different concentrations of BA. Similar to the photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of D. sanderiana, plants sprayed with 300 mg/l BA showed a better growth response, while C. variegatum needs lower concentrations (150 mg/l BA). In order to obtain a good plant grade in term of leaf freshness, D. sanderiana and C. variegatum required BA concentration of 300 mg/l (4.50 = excellent quality) and 150 mg/l (4.17 = excellent quality) respectively
Dracaena sanderiana; Codiaeum variegatum; Benzyl adenine; Growth; Quality; Postharvest; Dark chamber.