Suplemen pembelajaran menggunakan media PODCAST sebagai pembelajaran berbasis digital pada Manajemen Penyuluh Pertanian

This research seeks to see the benefits and development of podcasts as a media to supplementdigital- based learning in education. Podcasts can be a source of innovative teaching for lecturers and help the learning process of training participants. in particular supports distance learning. Research on podcasting in the area of extension of extension information is still limited, especially in Indonesia. For this reason, research using this descriptive methodology seeks to contribute to the development and use of podcasting as a medium in the field of education and training, by exploring podcast technology, best practices from educational podcastsineducation and understanding the adoption of podcasting technology through the diffusion of innovation theory approach. Through this research, it is hoped that educational management at PPMKP, especially management training, can encourage the use of podcasts , create educationalcontent and provide the necessary facilities for the realization of podcast technology as an important supplement in learning
Penyuluh Pertanian, Pembelajaran, Media PODCAST, Digital, PODCAST, Manajemen