Effects of Bio-nano OSA Application on Fertilizer Use and Water Consumption Efficiencies of Black Soybean Grown on Rice-Field

dc.contributorStrategic Agricultural Development (KP4S)en-US
dc.coveragefield experimenten-US
dc.coveragerice-field soilen-US
dc.creatorSanti, Laksmita Prima; Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry
dc.creatorGoenadi, Didiek Hadjar; Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry
dc.creatorBarus, Junita; Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology
dc.creatorDariah, Ai; Indonesian Soil Research Institute
dc.creatorKalbuadi, Donny Nugroho; Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry
dc.descriptionAbstarct. Rice-field, during the dry season, offers promising potential as food crop production area particularly for secondary crops such as black soybean. However, rice-field have some limitations to support crop productivity economically, due to low fertilizer efficiency and/or water usage. Silicate (Si) fertilizer in the form of bio-nano ortho silicic acid (OSA) has been proven to improve yield and water use efficiency of black soybean on the upland, but not on rice field. This study aimed to determine the effects of bio-nano OSA application on yield, fertilizer and water use efficiencies of Detam-1 black soybean grown at a Bantarwaru rice-field, Indramayu, West Java. Experiment was undertaken from August to November 2018 with treatments consisting of : (i) control (P0), (ii) farmers’ standard practice (P1), (iii) P1 + 2 ton organic fertilizer ha-1 (P2), (iv) 50% P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P3), (v) 75% P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P4), and (vi) P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P5), in a randomized block design with three replications. The soil belongs to Alfisols with vertic property, i.e. cracking during the dry season. The results show that the application of bio-nano OSA was capable of improving yield of Detam-1 black soybean up to 26%, increasing water use efficiency up to 37%, and reducing NPK fertilizer dosages up to 50%. The highest yields of Detam-1 black soybean was 2.4-2.5-ton bean ha-1, achieved from the treatment of combination of 50-75% NPK fertilizer dosages and application of bio-nano OSA at 4 L ha-1 rate with optimum level of NPK dosage at 39.2%. By using bio-nano OSA and optimum dosage of NPK fertilizer, the farmer’s profit increased IDR 4,152,340 ha-1 per season compared to standard practice.Abstrak. Sawah tadah hujan pada musim kemarau menawarkan peluang yang prospektif untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai areal produksi tanaman pangan khususnya palawija seperti kedelai hitam. Namun, sawah tadah hujan secara umum memiliki masalah khusus untuk mendukung produktivitas tanaman di musim kemarau yaitu rendahnya efisiensi serapan hara dan/atau penggunaan air. Teknologi pupuk silika dalam formulasi bio-nano ortho-silicic acid (OSA) telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan hasil kedelai hitam dan efisiensi penggunaan air pada lahan tegalan tetapi tidak pada lahan sawah tadah hujan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh aplikasi pupuk Si (bio-nano OSA) terhadap produksi tanaman kedelai hitam Detam-1, efisiensi penggunaan pupuk, dan air pada sawah tadah hujan di Bantarwaru, Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Percobaan dilaksanakan di lahan petani pada bulan Agustus hingga Nopember 2018 dengan menguji perlakuan : (i) kontrol (P0), (ii) pemupukan standar petani (P1), (iii) P1 + 2 ton pupuk organik ha-1 (P2), (iv) 50% P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P3), (v) 75% P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P4), dan (vi) 100% P1 + 4 L bio-nano OSA ha-1 (P5), dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan ulangan tiga kali. Tanah di lokasi percobaan tergolong ordo Alfisol dengan sifat vertik seperti timbulnya retakan saat musim kemarau. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi bio-nano OSA mampu meningkatkan produksi kedelai hitam varietas Detam-1 hingga 26%, meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air hingga 37%, dan menghemat dosis pupuk NPK hingga 50%. Produktivitas kedelai hitam tertinggi sebesar 2,4–2,5 ton biji kering ha-1 diperoleh pada perlakuan kombinasi pupuk NPK 50-75% dari standar petani dan aplikasi bio-nano OSA 4 L ha-1 dengan dosis optimum pupuk NPK pada 39,2%. Tambahan keuntungan usaha tani kedelai hitam Detam-1 di Bantarwaru dengan aplikasi bio-nano OSA dan pemupukan NPK yang optimum dapat mencapai IDR. 4.152.340 ha-1 per musim jika dibandingkan perlakuan dosis pupuk standar.en-US
dc.publisherBalai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanianen-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Tanah dan Iklimen-US
dc.sourceJurnal Tanah dan Iklim; Vol 43, No 2 (2019); 109-116en-US
dc.sourceJurnal Tanah dan Iklim (Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal); Vol 43, No 2 (2019); 109-116id-ID
dc.subjectBio-nano ortho-silicic acid; Si solubilizing microbes; Fertilizer use efficiency Black soybean; Crop water consumption;en-US
dc.subjectSoil fertilizeren-US
dc.titleEffects of Bio-nano OSA Application on Fertilizer Use and Water Consumption Efficiencies of Black Soybean Grown on Rice-Fielden-US
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