Peranan dan Potensi Dietary Insecticidal Protein dalam Rekayasa Genetika Tanaman Tahan Hama

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Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Tanaman Pangan
Role and Potential Use of Dietary Insecticide Protein in Genetic Engineering of Insect Plant Resistance. Bahagiawati Amirhusin. Plant genetic engineering offers opportunities for creation of insect resistant plants through insertion and expression of insecticide proteins in plants. Since mid 1980's more than 10 plant species have been engineered for resistance to specific target insects. The gene product of most genes used in this program affecting insect growth by impairment of the insect's digestion system. Examples of the insecticide dietary proteins are Bt-endotoxins, proteinase inhibitors, and lectins (carbohydrate binding proteins). This review discusses the mode of action of some dietary insecticidal proteins used in plant genetic engineering for insect resistance their prospects.
Insecticidal protein, genetic engineering, proteinase inhibitor, Bt-endotoxin