Adopsi Inovasi Teknologi Pengelolaan Terpadu Kebun Jeruk Sehat (PTKJS) di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Produktivitas dan mutu buah jeruk di Indonesia saat ini masih rendah dan perlu ditingkatkan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura telah melaksanakan program penelitian dan pengkajian penerapan pengelolaan terpadu kebun jeruk sehat (PTKJS) di beberapa provinsi sentra produksi jeruk. Pengelolaan terpadu kebun jeruk sehat meliputi (a) penggunaan bibit berlabel bebas penyakit, (b) pengendalian OPT terutama vektor penyakit CVPD, (c) sanitasi kebun yang baik, (d) pemeliharaan tanaman secara optimal, dan (e) konsolidasi pengelolaan kebun. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk  mengetahui adopsi inovasi teknologi PTKJS oleh petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, dari bulan April sampai dengan Desember 2006,  menggunakan metode survai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa inovasi teknologi PTKJS dari komponen teknologi, seperti penggunaan bibit unggul berlabel bebas penyakit, konsolidasi pengelolaan kebun, dan subkomponen teknologi, seperti penggunaan perangkap kuning, penyiraman tanah dengan insektisida, penggunaan sex feromon, pemberongsongan, penyulaman dengan bibit berlabel, pemangkasan, penyiraman tanaman, dan pemanenan secara benar, tidak diadopsi oleh sebagian besar petani jeruk di Kabupaten Ponorogo.   ABSTRACT. Ridwan, H.K, Sabari, Rofik, S.B., Rahman, S., and Agus, R. 2010. Adoption of Integrated Crop Management for Healthy Citrus Orchard in Ponorogo, East Java. Productivity and quality of citrus fruit in Indonesia were still low and need to be increased. The Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development had conducted research and assessment program of Integrated  Crop Management for Healthy Citrus Orchad (ICMHCO) in several provinces. The technology package of ICMHCO consisted of (a) the used of labeled and free deseases planting materials, (b) pest and deseases control especially for the CVPD vector, (c) good field sanitation, (d) optimum cultural practices, and (e) field management consolidation. The objective of this research was to access the adoption of technology package of ICMHCO by the farmers. The research was conducted at Ponorogo District, East Java, from April to Desember 2006, using survey method. The results showed that only a part of technology package of ICMHCO had been adopted by the citrus farmers in Ponorogo District. There were some technological components that had not been adopted yet by farmers, such as labeled free deseases planting materials, consolidation of orchard management, yellow trap application, drenching of insecticide solution, sex pheromone application, fruit wrapping, replanting with labelled seeds, pruning, irrigation, and good harvesting practices.