Status Hara Fosfat dan Kalium di Sentra Sayuran Dataran Rendah

dc.creatorHilman, Yusdar
dc.creatorSutapradja, Holil
dc.creatorRosliani, Rini
dc.creatorSuryono, Y
dc.descriptionABSTRAK. Data dasar status hara khususnya P dan K di sentra produksi tanaman sayuran khususnya di dataran rendah lahan kering belum tersedia, sedangkan data tersebut sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar untuk menentukan rekomendasi penggunaan pupuk. Selama ini rekomendasi penggunaan pupuk diperoleh dari percobaan dosis pupuk dan bukan didasarkan pada analisis hara tanah yang bersangkutan dan respons tanaman terhadap penggunaan pupuk sehingga hasil yang diperoleh tidak komprehensif. Informasi status hara P dan K pada sayuran diperoleh dengan membuat peta sebaran status hara P dan K pada beberapa lokasi. Untuk tahap awal, data status hara P dan K tersebut dihimpun dalam peta semidetail dengan skala 1:100.000 di mana setiap cm2 unit peta mewakili areal seluas 25 ha dengan jarak observasi di lapangan setiap 500 m.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat dari bulan Juli sampai September 2003, menggunakan metode survei. Tujuan penelitian adalah (i) membuat peta status hara P dan K lahan dengan skala 1:100.000 dan (ii) menyediakan data sebaran status hara P dan K di sentra produksi sayuran dataran rendah sebagai informasi dasar dalam pembuatan rekomendasi pupuk P dan K. Hasil pemetaan menunjukkan bahwa luas lahan berdasarkan peta status hara P seluas 1.365,03 ha termasuk kategori sangat rendah, 3.395,37 ha rendah, 21.248,71 ha sedang, dan 13.978,87 ha tinggi, sedangkan peta status hara K adalah 6.337,79 ha termasuk kategori sangat rendah, 12.768,03 ha rendah, 17.243,78 ha sedang, dan 3.638,39 ha tinggi.ABSTRACT. Hilman, Y., H. Sutapradja, R. Rosliani, and Y. Suryono. 2008. The Status of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrient at Production Centre of Lowland Vegetables.Database of nutrient status of P and K in vegetable production area especially in dry lowland was not available yet, while these data was highly needed as a base for determining recommended dosage for fertilization. Until now, fertilization recommendation on vegetable was merely obtained from fertilizer dose experiment and did not rely on the soil nutrient status and crop response to fertilizer used, so that the results obtained from that experiment was not comprehensive. The study on the status of phosphorus and potassium nutrient in the lowland vegetables was conducted at Bogor, West Java from July to September 2003 using survey method. Information on the nutrient status of P and K in vegetable growing areas in this study can be obtained by making map of P and K distribution. For the first step, information of these P and K status was obtained from semi-detail map at the scale of 1:100.000 where each cm2 of map unit represented the area of 25 ha with the field observation distance of 500 m. The objective of this study was (i) to make the map of P and K nutrient status in lowland vegetable production areas at the scale of 1: 100.000 and (ii) to survey data of P and K nutrient status in lowland vegetable areas as database information in making recommendation of P and K fertilization.Results of mapping indicated that land area based on P nutritional status was categorized as follows:1,365.03 ha very low; 3,395.37 ha low; 21,248.71 ha moderate, and 13,978.87 ha high, while for K nutritional status of 6,337.79 ha very low; 12,768.03 ha low; 17,243.78 ha moderate; and 3,638.39 ha high.en-US
dc.publisherIndonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Developmenten-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2013 Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Developmenten-US
dc.sourceJurnal Hortikultura; Vol 18, No 1 (2008): Maret 2008en-US
dc.subjectSayuran; Dataran rendah kering; Pemetaan; Fosfor; Kalium; Informasi dasaren-US
dc.titleStatus Hara Fosfat dan Kalium di Sentra Sayuran Dataran Rendahen-US
dc.typePeer-reviewed Articleen-US
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