Analisis Keragaman Genetik Manggis Menggunakan Teknik Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)
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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret 2004 sampai dengan Desember 2005 di Laboratorium PemuliaanBalai Penelitian Tanaman Buah dan Laboratorium Bioteknologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Perkebunan. Penelitianbertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik manggis berdasarkan analisis molekuler dengan teknik AFLP menggunakanlima pasang primer. Analisis keragaman menggunakan program NTSys. Hasil amplifikasi amplified fragment lengthplymorphism (AFLP) terhadap sembilan sampel genom manggis menunjukkan adanya keragaman yang tinggi. Denganmetode unweighted pair-group with arithme average (UPGMA) pada koefisien jarak genetik 60% menghasilkansatu kelompok genom. Pada nilai koefisien kesamaan genetik 70%, aksesi manggis dapat dikategorikan menjadi tigakelompok yaitu kelompok 1 terdiri atas sampel 8-(Garcinia sp. manggis hutan-1), 13-(G. mundar), 17-(Garciniasp. manggis hutan-asam), kelompok 2 mencakup sampel 19-(G. mangostana Pasarminggu-2), 20-( G. mangostanaPasarminggu-1), 22-(G. mangostana Jayanti-2), dan kelompok 3 terdiri atas sampel 25-(G. malaccensis-Jambi),26-(G. malaccensis Bukit Kawang Medan PK 1), dan 27-(G. malaccensis Bukit Lang PK 2). Informasi variabilitasgenetik diharapkan dapat mendukung program pemuliaan manggis.ABSTRACT. Makful, S. Purnomo, and Sunyoto. 2010. Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Mangosteen Basedon the Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Technique. This experiment was conducted fromMarch 2004 to December 2005 at the Laboratory of Plant Breeding of Indonesian Fruit Research Institute andthe Laboratory of Biotechnology of Indonesian Estate Crop Research Institute. The objective of the study was todetermine genetic diversity of mangosteen. The method used was AFLP technique with five pairs of primers, whiledata obtained was analyzed by the NTSys program. From the AFLP amplification of nine DNA samples, it wasproven that the accessions of mangosteen had a high degree of diversity. Based on analysis of AFLP and unweightedpair-group with arithme average (UPGMA) it was shown that the samples of mangosteen could be grouped into onecluster at relative ecludian distance of 60% and into three clusters at relative ecludian distance of 70%, i.e. cluster1for sample 8-( Garcinia sp. manggis hutan-1), 13-(G. mundar), 17-( Garcinia sp. manggis hutan-asam) samples,cluster 2 for sample 19-(G. mangostana Pasarminggu-2), 20-(G. mangostana Pasarminggu-1), 22-(G. mangostanaJayanti-2) samples, and cluster 3 for sample 25-(G. malaccensis-Jambi), 26-(G. malaccensis Bukit Kawang MedanPK 1), and 27-(G. malaccensis Bukit Lang PK 2) samples. Information of genetic variability is expected to supportthe mangosteen breeding program.