The development of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) has a great opportunity, because the national contribution of cashew is still relatively small in world markets. Center prodcuction of the crop in of cashew in eastern Indonesia such as Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, NTB and NTT. In increasing productivity of cashew crop in Indonesia, there are symptoms of white and brown roots diseases which can cause the death of cashew plant. White Root Rot Fungus (WRF) is caused by Rigidophorus lignosus and Rigidophorus microporus, whereas Brown Root Rot Fungus (BRF) is caused by Phellinus noxius. The symptoms of both diseases are rizomorf in roots and base of the stem, when they attack on the advanced stage, leaves become yellow, fall, dried, canopy only branches and subsequent plant death. WRF and BRF can survive in soil for many years and is a source of infection for healthy cashew. Transmission of the disease through contact with the roots of diseased plants and healthy plants. Control WRF and BRF recommended in an integrated manner, i.e. resistant varieties, technical culture, biological agents, mechanical and chemical. 
Pengembangan komoditas jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale) memiliki peluang yang besar, karena pasarnya masih terbuka lebar baik lokal maupun internasional. Salah satu kendala dalam budidaya tanaman jambu mete di Indonesia adalah adanya serangan jamur akar putih (JAP) dan jamur akar cokelat (JAC) yang dapat mematikan tanaman. Penyakit JAP disebabkan oleh Rigidophorus lignosus atau Rigidophorus microporus, sedangkan penyakit JAC disebabkan oleh Phellinus noxius. Gejala kedua penyakit tersebut adalah terdapat rizomorf di perakaran dan pangkal batang, bila serangan pada tahapan lanjut, daun tanaman akan menguning, gugur, mengering, tajuk pohon tinggal ranting dan selanjutnya tanaman mati. JAP dan JAC dapat bertahan di dalam tanah selama bertahun-tahun dan merupakan sumber infeksi bagi tanaman jambu mete sehat. Penularan penyakit ini melalui kontak akar tanaman sakit dan tanaman sehat. Pengendalian JAP dan JAC dianjurkan secara terpadu, yaitu dengan varietas tahan, kultur teknis, agensia hayati, mekanik dan kimia. 