Pentingnya pengembangan kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) berdasarkan Competency Based Training (CBT) di Lembaga Pelatihan

This writing aim for study important of Development of Competency of Government Official Civil State Pursuant by Competency Based Training ( CBT) in Institute Training. To improve employees can through creation a system integrating between individual need with training program, so called Competency Based Training ( CBT). Training integrated to base on interest represent training which relate at interest to reach and needed by educative participant. Interest standard represent statement about interest which must have by someone to do a work as according to job which qualify. Evaluation pursuant to interest represent an process comparison of reached interest by participant of training with interest standard which have been setled. Result of study conclude the followings is: First, CBT is to facility participant of training to reach interest according to standard of an focus at output. Second, training materials compiled by virtue of requirement to reach interest standard and have to guarantee the existence of articulation between interest ladder. Third, CBT Participant require time which is briefer relative than following conventional training form. Recommendation, all training expected by should have applied approach of training integrated to base on interest, where training have to present intact buttonhole of interest needed by participant of training. Candidate participant of training have to follow interest test beforehand to know level domination of interest.
Pelatihan, Aparatur Sipil Negara, ASN, Competency Based Training (CBT), Kompetensi, Lembaga Pelatihan