Browsing by Author "HANI, Abdul"
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- ItemEfektifitas Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja(PPMKP, 2020-09) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPThe purpose of this research is to describe the competence-based training result and employee’s performance and explain the influence of competence-based training result to employee’s performance. The research was conducted in PPMKP Ciawi – Bogor. The population was employees of frontliner section who already attended the Frontliner Skills training of employees. The primary data was obtained via questionnaire to 40 respondents which then analyzed using simple regression analysis. The conclusion of this research is that the competence-based training has positive significant influence to the performance. It means that the better implementation of competence-based training will result in the improvement of employee’s performance
- ItemMotivasi kerja dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja serta dampaknya pada kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kantor Kecamatan X(PPMKP, 2021-09) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPRealizing office goals is very useful for human resources in the office organization. To realize the goals of the office, the office must pay attention to the factors that affect the performance of civil servants, including factors of work motivation, compensation, and work goals. With the achievement of Civil Servant Performance, it is expected that the X District Office can achieve its goals. The research used is Descriptive Method, Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis is useful for knowing the type of employee about Work Motivation, Compensation for Work Performance and Its Impact on Civil Servants at the X District Office where the population of X District Office employees is 32 respondents. From the calculation results, in this study, Work Motivation (X1) and Compensation (X2) together have a significant effect on activity (Y) of 58.8%. Work Motivation (X1), Compensation (X2), and Work Desire (Y) together have a significant influence on Civil Service Performance (Z) of 83.8%.
- ItemPengaruh kompensasi dan karakteristik pekerjaan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan PT X Bogor(PPMKP, 2023-03) HANI, AbdulThis research is conducted to know the influence of variables compensatiom and job characteristic on the work satisfaction of Production Unit employee at PT. X. This research is causality research and method that used in this research is survey. The number of sample are 93 respondent and data collecting is conducted by filling out some questionaires.There are two group of variable in this research. Those are independent variable which are compensation and job characteristic, and the other is dependent variable which is work satisfaction of Production Unit employee at PT. X.Multiple liniear regression is used to analyze ihe ibfluence of variables compensation and job characteristic on the work satisfaction.According to the results of regression analysis, find that simultaneously variables of compensation and job characteristic have significant effects on work satisfaction of production Unit employee at PT. X. Partially, variable of job characteristic which is outonomy of job (X3) has most dominant effects on work satisfaction of production unit employee at PT. X.
- ItemPengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, kompensasi dan kompetensi serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja(PPMKP, 2021-06) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPThis research was conducted in the number o f samples taken for this study amounted to 108 people from employees who participated in employee competency improvement training using the simple random sampling method. Data analysis in the study consisted of data adequacy test, validity test using the product moment correlation formula, reliability test using Cronbach alpha method, data transformation from ordinal to interval scale using the Successive Interval (MSI) method, determining the effect of research variables using analysis path (path analysis) , the proportion of direct effect research variables and hypothesis testing (F test). The results of the study are as follows: HR development (X1), compensation (X2), competence (Z) and performance (Y) show the path coefficients from X1 to Z and X2 to Y ar e both statistically insignificant (t count under t table and p -value is above 0.05), while the path coefficient from Z to Y is significant (t count is above t table and p -value is below 0.05) therefore the process will be repeated by removing X1 and X2 from the model. The results of the path coefficient of the Y variable become 0.802 and the p-value (Sig column) = 0.000 which means it is significant while the Model Summary table shows R Square = 0.311 (31.1%). The results of the partial test (t test) can b e explained that the competency variable (Z) on the performance variable (Y) is indicated by the t-count value of 0.558 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. So that it can be said that there is a significant influence between the competency variable (Z) on the performance variable (Y) with the t-test on PPMKP Ciawi employees who participated in the rejected training. This explanation can be interpreted that the higher the competence possessed by employees, it will affect employee performance
- ItemRelasi antara peningkatan produktivitas kerja dengan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pegawai pada UPTD X di Kabupaten Bogor(PPMKP, 2022-06) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPHuman resources play the most important role for the success of an institution, considering that human resources are the determinants of institutional activities in planning, organizing, and making decisions. When viewed from work productivity, high education will allow high work productivity as well. Manpower training is very much needed by the institution because the scope and materials provided have been adjusted to the needs of employees which are expected to increase employee productivity. This research is a descriptive study with a hypothesis using multiple regression analysis. The population in this study were employees of UPTD X Bogor Regency as many as 87 people and all of them were used as samples or saturated samples. Based on the results of this study, it is known that the level of education has an effect on work productivity and Labor Training has an effect on work productivity in UPTD X.
- ItemResource Based Learning sebagai alternatif metode pembelajaran dalam Mata Pelatihan Bela Negara(PPMKP, 2022-03) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPThe focus in this paper is the use of the Resource Based Learning method as an alternative, in the learning process and how to use it. The purpose of this paper is to find out the Resource Based Learning method in learning to defend the country, its strengths and weaknesses, the learning process and its use in learning to defend the country. This study used qualitative research methods. While the location of this research in PPMKP Ciawi. Data collection techniques using literature study, observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that this method can provide benefits for both facilitators and training participants. One of the benefits of the Resource Based Learning method for facilitators is that it can foster creative and innovative attitudes to develop state defense learning methods and can accommodate the heterogeneity of training participants. Meanwhile, the benefits for the trainees are that the Resource Based Learning method can foster motivation, interest, critical and creative thinking in learning to defend the country. This study recommends the facilitator to use this method as an alternative in learning to defend the country
- ItemStrategi penggunaan e-learning sebagai media pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19(PPMKP, 2020-09) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPForm of information technology that can be used as a media learning is to use e-learning. E-learning is innovation that would is used in learning, not only for learning material but also a change in the various competence students. Components form e-learning is e- learning infrastructure, the system and application e-learning and content e-learning. The strategy of e-learning are to support the implementation of a learning process, expected to improve absorption capacity from school tuition over the materials given, increase active participation from school tuition, improve the ability of independent study school tuition, material improve the quality of education and training, improve the ability of the displays information with a device information technology, expand the teaching and learning process by the use of the internet, not just limited to space and time.
- ItemTurnover intention Tenaga Harian Lepas pada Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi - Bogor(PPMKP, 2021) HANI, Abdul; PPMKPThe turnover rate lowering of non permanent employee was caused by such efforts as the compensation and work specification done by the management of Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi – Bogor to deal with problems related to turnover intention.The present research sought to find out and investigate the effect of compensation and working condition partially on the turnover intention to know the function of which independent variable was the most dominant to affect the turnover intention. The method was descriptive; whereas, the population included 71 non permanent employee. The data were collected using a field study and library research such as observation, interview and questionna ire. To determine the degree of correlation and the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable, a multiple linear regression model was used. The hypotheses were tested using a statistical analysis. The results show that compensation and working condition had an effect on the turnover intention. The Significance effect of the compensation and working condition on the turnover intention could be indicated that the value of F count was smaller than F table at alpha level t = 5%. From the calculation, null hypothesis was rejected meaning that compensation, and working condition had a significant effect on the turnover intention. Partial test indicates that compensation and working condition had an effect on turnover intention.