Intervensi komitmen organisasional dalam hubungan iklim organisasional terhadap dengan kinerja pegawai pada Tenaga Harian Lepas di BBPMKP Ciawi-Bogor

This study aims to determine the direct effect of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance and the indirect influence by mediating variable Organizational Commitment. The samples in this study were 57 employees of Balai Besar Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (BBPMKP) Ciawi - Bogor using sensus method specification. Data analysis technique used is based on analysis Structural Equational Model (SEM) with a Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. Results of this study indicate that there is influence between Organizational Climate on Employee Performance. From this research also obtained results that Organizational Commitment significantly mediates the effects of Organizational Climate on Employee Performance. Implications of the findings in this study are that organization should pay more attention to the employees', appreciation for their success in completing the work to increase organizational commitment of employees. In addition, the leaders must avoid any conflicts of interest that resulted in confusion employees in carrying out their work and interfere with the comfort of employees to increase organizational commitment of employees