Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Gabah Galur-galur Padi melalui Pendekatan Parametrik dan Nonparametrik

The failure of a genotype to perform relatively the same in different environments is defined as the interaction Genotype x Environment (G x E interaction). The existence of G x E is often causing breeders facing difficulty to select superior genotypes to be tested further. Efforts to quantify the interaction between the average yields of genotype with environment can be done by parametric and nonparametric approaches. Experiments were conducted at 16 sites in dry season of 2008 and 2009. A total of 14 rice genotypes were tested using randomized complete block design. Combined analyses of variances of 16 sites showed highly significant effects of locations, genotypes, and genotypes x locations. Parametric stability analysis using the coefficient of variability (CVi) showed 6 lines (BP1808-1F-25, BP1352-1G-KN, IR76510-24-3, BP1178-2F-26, OM 5240, OM 1490) were stable. Based on parametric analysis of variance stability (Sv), however only 3 lines namely BP1808-1F-25, S4616-PN-7-3, and IR76510-24-3 were stable. Cultivar superiority method of parametric stability showed that BP1808-1F-25, OM 5240 and OM 1490 were stable, while OM4495 was stable based on Nassar and Huehn nonparametric methods. Results of Spearman’s correlation analysis showed that between CVi and Sv, and CVi and Pi were significantly correlated with r = 0.556, and r = 0.560, respectively. It indicated that those three stability parameters had equal strength for determining the stability of the lines or cultivars tested. Based on the three stability approaches BP1808-1F-25 was considered as stable line, while check cultivar Dodokan was unstable. Parametric stability was found more accurate than nonparametric ones, when assumption of the data distribution was fulfilled.
, Stability; line; rice; parametric; nonparametric,