Keberhasilan Okulasi Batang Bawah Japansche Citroen dengan Mata Tempel Jeruk Poliploid Hasil Pemuliaan In Vitro

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Oranges fruits are popular with society and have agribusiness prospects that can increase the income of citrus farmers. The availability of quality seeds at the right time and within the reach of farmers determines the success of commercial-scale fruit plantations. Commercial citrus plants are generally cultivated using grafting seeds. Efforts to increase production are through the provision of quality seeds through vegetative propagation. The purpose of the study was to determine the suitability of diploid Japansche Citroen rootstock with polyploid orange patch eyes through the grafting method (Chip Budding). The research was carried out from March to July 2021 at the Pacet Experimental Garden, Center for Research and Development of Biotechnology and Agricultural Genetic Resources. The study using a completely randomized design (CRD) with six eye patches treatments, A1 (MT11) and A2 (MT12) triploid, A3 (FS27) A4 (FS89) A5 (FS25) polyploid, and A6 (control) siamese variety diploid. Parameters observed were the percentage of grafting success, time of shoot emergence, shoot length, number of leaves, number of shoots, and leaf morphology. The results showed that the percentage of successful grafting (100%) produced A1 (triploid MT11) and A4 (polyploid FS89). Significant effect on the parameters of shoot emergence time and shoot length obtained A1 (Triploid MT11) which is 26 HSO and 10.25cm. A2 (Triploid MT12) produced the highest average number of leaves and shoots, namely 15 leaves and 2 shoots. Qualitative and quantitative characters of leaf morphology showed two forms of elliptic and ovate leaf blades, acuminate and acute leaf tips, all leaf edges crenate. The mean leaf color shown is moderate olive-green, except for the diploid Siamese, which shows a brighter color of strong yellow-green. The length of the grafted leaves ranged from 6.62-9.23 cm with a width of 3.53-4.57 cm.
Chip budding, grafting, JC, oranges, polyploidy