Rencana Strategis Penerapan Sistem Informasi Zoonosis dan Emerging Infectious Deseases (Size) 2.0 Berbasis Data Surveilans Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Trypanosomiasis (Surra) di Madura Tahun 2020

dc.contributor.authorRochadi, Imam
dc.contributor.authorMartuti, Vivy Eny
dc.contributor.otherDirektorat Kesehatan Hewanen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the act program swasembada of beef in indonesia needs the provision of number of cows that is free from disease zoonosis especially trypanosomiasis (Surra). Trypanosomiasis economic and parasitic disease blood having the character of a decrease in productivity and zoonosis and it also impacts cattle population in madura. Surra inflict harm in the following the production decline, growing more slowly and if untreated it can result in death, mortalitas low, but morbiditasnya high. The plague surra epidemiology in happened in 1988 in madura, centrifugation at very testing shows microhemtocrit technique (MHCT) trypanosoma evansi positive thirteen per cent of 130 cows madurese and 50 percent of positive from 147 tested and water buffaloes do sample taken from 6 village in madura (payne et al., 1990). A nursery of cattle and laboratory parasitologi upt animal health of the province of east java madura the office of animal husbandry (ISO 17025) who collaborated with Balai Besar Veteriner Wates Jogjakarta has already implemented surveillance of Trypanosomiasis at 2019. The data shows surveillance in the year 2019 aimed at monitoring areas madura to increase the prevention early disease early warning system and run national animal health information system against Trypanosomiasis (Surra). Then the data is expected to be diinput on information systems zoonosis and emerging infectious deseases (SIZE) 2.0 by the year 2020. The purpose of data input survaillence surra madura in 2019 at in that as his starting the determination of survaillence areas next year and on the monitoring of the development of surra in the region of madura. Surveillance surra disease in cattle madura in 2019 at in four districts namely bangkalan, sampang, pamekasan and sumenep. Testing in the laboratory upt a nursery cattle and including on the animal health madura cow blood sample madura by test parasitologis ulas blood through staining giemsa and methods microhematocrit centrifugation at very technique (MHCT). Sample test positive trypanosomiasis sent to Balai Besar Veteriner Wates Jogjakarta to assay confirmation namely parasitologi by test microscopic parasitic blood staining giemsa. Samples from 800 target sample based on the size of the population and epidemiology the occurrence of parasitic disease darah.sampel covering two types of sample and two testing as follow 400 ulas blood with sample tested methods staining giemsa and 400 mikrohemtokrit with sample tested methods microhematocrit centrifugation at very technique (MHCT). Ulas testing shows a method of staining blood sample giemsa 400 negative and negative 400 mikrohematokrit sample (p<0.05 ) prevalence of 0 % (table 1). Sample test were ulas blood to the porch or vestibule wates veteriner jogjakarta as many as 400 large sample with the results of 400 negative sample Trypnosoma evansi (p<0.05) (see table 2). Sample data processing information system using infolab as the basic data isihknas 2019.To examine the potential pattern in the aftermath of events and the spread of surveillence Tryapnosomiasis (surra in madura can use data base spatial by means of online information system zoonosis and emerging infectious deseases (SIZE) 2.0 and the concept of health is one strategy to expand collaboration interdisipliner and communication health services animals, man and the environment.en_US
dc.publisherDirektorat Kesehatan Hewanen_US
dc.subjectTrypanosoma spen_US
dc.subjectMadura cattleen_US
dc.titleRencana Strategis Penerapan Sistem Informasi Zoonosis dan Emerging Infectious Deseases (Size) 2.0 Berbasis Data Surveilans Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Trypanosomiasis (Surra) di Madura Tahun 2020en_US
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