Penelitian dilaksanakan pada lahan mineral dan lahan gambut Perkebunan Kelapa PT. Sac Nusantara di Kecamatan Mcsudji, Kabupaten Tulangbawang, Propinsi Lampung selama dua tahun (Juni 1999 - Juni 2001). lokasi penelitian terletak pada kelinggian 9 - 23 m dpi. dengan jenis tanah mineral yakni Podsolik Merah Kuning (PMK) dan lahan gambut rawa lebak yang tidak dipengaruhi pasang surul air laut. Curah hujan tahunan 2100 mm dengan 8 bulan basah dan 4 bulan kering. Jenis kelapa yang digunakan yakni kelapa hibrida PB-121 (MYDxWAT) dan KHINA-1 (GKNxDTA) yang ditanam tahun 1992 pada jarak tanam 9 m x 9 m segitiga. Penanaman menggunakan sistem blok yang luasnya antara 15 - 20 ha dan 10 blok diantaranya pada setiap ekosistem ditanami kelapa hibrida PB-121 dan KHINA-1. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan jenis hibrida sebagai perlakuan dan blok sebagai ulangan Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas kelapa hibida PB-121 dan KHINA-1 skala pengembangan di lahan mineral dan gambut. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat-sifat jumlah tandan/ph/Oi, jumlah buah/tandan, jumlah buah, berat daging dan berat kopra/ph/th selama 24 bulan panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat intcraksi antara genolip x lingkungan tumbuh pada semua sifat. Jumlah landan/ph/th sangat dipengaruhi lingkungan tumbuh sedangkan jumlah buah/tandan. jumlah buah/ph/th, berat dagingphth dan berat kopra/ph/th dipengaruhi genolip lanaman. Di lahan gambut jumlah tandan/ph/th lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan lahan mineral, sedangkan jumlah buah/tandan, jumlah buah/ph/th, berat daging/ph/th dan berat kopra/ph/th kelapa hibrida KHINA-1 lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan PB-121, baik di lahan mineral maupun lahan gambut. Hal itu merupakan suatu indikasi bahwa KHINA-1 lebih adaliT terhadap berbagai lingkungan tumbuh.Kata kunci: Kelapa, produktivitas, kelapa hibrida, lahan mineral, lahan gambut ABSTRACTProductivity of hybrid coconut KHINA-1 and PB-121 in mineral and peat soilThis research was conducted in mineral and peat soil of PT. Sac Nusantara Coconut Plantation at Mesudji District, Tulangbawang Regency, Lampung Province for two years (June 1999 - June 2001). The altitudes were 9-23 meters above sea level, type of mineral soil is Red Yellow Podsolic (PMK) and peat soil of low lands wamps. 'The rainfalls were 2100 millimeters a year with 8 wet months and 4 dry mondis. The experiment used two coconut varieties i.e.: PB-121 (MYDxWAT) and KHINA-1 (GKNxDTA) hybrid, planted in 1992 with plant spacing 9 m x 9 m triangle. The plant planting used in block system were 15 - 20 Ha. a width and 10 blocks among these on each ecosystem planted PB-121 and KHINA-1 hybrids. The experiment was designed as a randomized block design with two hybrids as a treatment and blocks as replication. The objective of this study was to know the production of PB-121 and KHINA- 1 on a developed scale in mineral and peat soil. The observation character was done during 24 months to die number of bunch/palm/year, number of nut/bunch, total number of nut, weight of meat and weight of copra/ palm/year. Results of the experiment showed that there was genotype x environment interaction of die caracters observed. The number of bunch/ palm/year caused by environment conditions but the number of nut/ bunch, he total number of nut, weight of meal and weight of copra/palm/ycar were caused by genotype. On the peat soil, the total number of bunch/ palm/year higher than die mineral soil. The number of nuts/hunch. number of nuts.palm/year, weight of meat/palm/year and weight of copra/palm/ycar of the KHINA-1 in the peal soil were higher than those of PB-121 hybrid in mineral and peal soil. This indicated that KHINA-1 hybrid was more adaptive to the cnvironmcnl conditions.Key words : Coconut, productivity, hybrid coconut, mineral soil, peat soil