Segmentasi Pasar dan Pemetaan Persepsi Atribut Produk Beberapa Jenis Sayuran Minor (Under-utilized)

dc.creatorAdiyoga, Witono
dc.creatorAmeriana, Mieke
dc.creatorSoetiarso, Thomas Agus
dc.descriptionKegiatan penelitian survai konsumen dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Sukasari dan Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat pada bulan Agustus-November 2004. Responden dipilih menggunakan metode multistage cluster sampling. Responden ibu rumah tangga sebanyak 50 orang dipilih secara acak dan proporsional dari kedua kelurahan tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Pada studi awal ini komoditas sayuran minor (under-utilized) yang dipilih adalah koro/roay jengkol, katuk, kecipir, dan labu siam. Untuk keperluan mempelajari posisi sayuran minor tersebut dipilih pula 4 komoditas lain yang dapat dianggap sebagai padanan atau substitusi, yaitu kacang jogo, bayam, kacang panjang, dan zukini. Atribut produk yang dipelajari meliputi (a) kandungan gizi tinggi, (b) berfungsi juga sebagai obat, (c) rasa enak, (d) tahan simpan, (e) harga mahal, dan (f) mudah diperoleh di pasar. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengidentifikasi segmentasi pasar dan memetakan persepsi konsumen menyangkut beberapa atribut produk sayuran minor. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi 2 klaster atau segmen konsumen untuk setiap komoditas dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Jumlah anggota klaster 1 secara konsisten selalu lebih besar dibandingkan klaster 2 untuk semua komoditas, sehingga upaya perbaikan untuk semua komoditas sayuran minor disarankan lebih diarahkan ke segmen konsumen yang pertama. Sementara itu, berdasarkan perbandingannya dengan komoditas padanan/substitusi (kacang jogo, bayam, zukini, dan kacang panjang), atribut produk yang perlu diperbaiki adalah atribut rasa enak dan gizi tinggi (kacang koro/roay), fungsi sebagai obat dan ketahanan simpan (labu siam), serta ketersediaan (kacang koro/roay, katuk, dan kecipir).ABSTRACT. Adiyoga, W., M. Ameriana, and T. A. Soetiarso. 2008. Market Segmentation and Perceptual Mapping of Product Attributes of Some Minor/under-utilized Vegetables. Consumer surveys were carried out in Sukasari and Lembang Subdistrict, Bandung, West Java from August to November 2004. This study was aimed to identify market segmentation and consumer’s perceptual mapping regarding product attributes of some minor (under-utilized) vegetables. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used to select 50 respondents who were proportionally and randomly drawn from those 2 subdistricts. Data were gathered through interviews by using a structured questionnaire. In this preliminary study, 4 minor vegetables were chosen; those were lima bean, stragooseberry, winged bean, and chayote. For the purpose of examining the product positioning of these 4 minor vegetables, 4 other vegetables that were considered as their substitute (bean, spinach, yard-long bean, and zucchini) were also involved. Product attributes examined were (a) high nutrient content, (b) medicinal purpose, (c) taste good/delicious, (d) long shelf-life, (e) price/expensive, and (f) availability. Results have identified 2 clusters or 2 market segments with different characteristics for each commodity. Number of cases/respondents in cluster 1 was consistently larger than that in cluster 2 for all commodities. Hence, the effort for improvements was suggested to be more focus to cluster 1 or consumer segment 1. Meanwhile, based on the comparison with their substitutes, some attributes that should be considered for improvement were taste and nutrient content (for lima bean), medicinal purpose, and shelf-life (for chayote), and availability (for lima bean, stragooseberry, and winged bean).en-US
dc.publisherIndonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Developmenten-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2013 Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Developmenten-US
dc.sourceJurnal Hortikultura; Vol 18, No 4 (2008): Desember 2008en-US
dc.subjectMinor (under-utilized) vegetables; Consumer survey; Product attributes; Market segmentation; Perceptual mapping.en-US
dc.titleSegmentasi Pasar dan Pemetaan Persepsi Atribut Produk Beberapa Jenis Sayuran Minor (Under-utilized)en-US
dc.typePeer-reviewed Articleen-US
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