Kajian Budidaya Kentang Ramah Lingkungan dengan Teknik Konservasi Tanah di Lahan Kering Berlereng (Study of Environmentally Friendly Potato Cultivation with Soil Conservation Techniques in Sloping Upland Area)

Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh paket teknologi usahatani konservasi kentang yang dapat mengurangi laju erosi dan ramah lingkungan serta mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan pendapatan usahatani kentang.  Lokasi penelitian terletak di sentra produksi kentang lahan kering dataran tinggi dengan ketinggian tempat 1.725 m dpl dan kemiringan lahan 40% di Desa Tosari, Kecamatan Tosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan, pada MH 2014/2015. Rancangan percobaan secara acak kelompok dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan teknik konservasi tanah meliputi : (1) teknologi petani A (bedengan searah lereng), 125 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 75 kg SP36/ha + 250 kg Ponska/ha + 5 t pupuk organik/ha, (2) teknik konservasi B1 (bedengan kemiringan 30o),  300 kg Urea/ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha + 2,5 t pupuk organik/ha + PHT, (3) teknik konservasi B2 (bedengan kemiringan 30o),  150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100kg SP-36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 t pupuk organik/ha & Trichoderma + PHT,  (4) teknik konservasi C1 (bedengan searah lereng selang seling guludan kontur), 300 kg Urea/ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg KCl /ha + 2,5 t pupuk organik/ha + PHT, (5) teknik konservasi  C2 (bedengan searah lereng selang seling guludan kontur), 150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 50 kg KCl /ha + 5 t pupuk organik/ha & Trichoderma + PHT, (6) teknik konservasi D1 (teras kredit dengan bedengan searah lereng),  300 kg Urea/ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha + 2,5 t pupuk organik/ha +  PHT, (7) teknik konservasi D2 (teras kredit dengan bedengan searah lereng), 150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 t pupuk organik/ha & Trichoderma + PHT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil umbi tertinggi dengan menerapkan teknik konservasi tanah dijumpai perlakuan bedengan searah lereng selang seling guludan kontur dengan ½ dosis pupuk (150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 t pupuk organik/ha & Trichoderma) sebesar 37,7 t/ha umbi kentang ditambah hasil bawang prei 1,54 t/ha yang ditanam pada areal guludan kontur. Hasil umbi kentang yang tinggi di dominasi oleh ukuran umbi yang besar (> 200 g). Dengan teknik konservasi tanah ini dapat mengurangi laju erosi menjadi  26,98 t/ha (turun 34,31%) sehingga mengurangi kehilangan pupuk kimia yang terbawa erosi, dibanding  penanaman kentang searah lereng (teknologi petani) yaitu erosi 41,07 t/ha. Selain itu, dengan menerapkan teknik konservasi tanah ini diperoleh keuntungan yang tinggi dan R/C ratio 4,25.KeywordsBudidaya kentang; Teknik konservasi; Lahan kering berlereng; Erosi; ProduktivitasAbstractPlanting potatoes in a slope direction is often done on steep terrain so as to have a negative impact of increased run-off and erosion, and accelerate the process of land degradation. For that, required of soil conservation techniques are cheap and easy to implement farmers so that potato crop productivity increases and simultaneously can control the speed of run-off and erosion. This study aims to acquire of conservation farming technology of potatoes which can reduce the rate of erosion and environmentally friendly as be well as able to increase productivity and farm income. The research location was located in the center of upland potato production with an altitude of 1,725 m above sea level and a slope of 40% in Tosari Village, Tosari Subdistrict, Pasuruan District, wet season 2014/2015. The experimental design was a randomized block with seven treatments and four replications. The treatment of soil conservation techniques include : (1) farmer practice (undirectional slope beds), 125 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 75 kg SP36/ha + 250 kg Ponska/ha + 5 ton organic fertilizer/ha, (2) conservation technique of B1 (seedbed slope of 30o), 300 kg Urea / ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha + 2,5 ton organic fertilizer/ha, (3) conservation technique of B2 (seedbed slope of 30o), 150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 ton organic fertilizer/ha and Trichoderma, (4) conservation technique of C1 (seedbed contour parallel beds alternated with contour imparallel), 300 kg Urea/ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP 36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha + 2,5 ton organic fertilizer/ha, (5) conservation technique of C2 (seedbed contour parallel beds alternated with contour imparallel), 150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 ton organic fertilizer/ha and Trichoderma, (6) conservation technique of D1 (credit terrace with unidirectional seedbed slopes), 300 kg Urea/ha + 350 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg SP36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha + 2,5 ton organic fertilizer/ha, (7) conservation technique of D2 (credit terrace with unidirectional seedbed slopes), 150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 ton organic fertilizer/ha and Trichoderma. The results showed the application of soil conservation techniques with treatment seedbed contour parallel beds alternated with contour imparallel in the land sloping > 40% accompanied fertilization ½ dose recommendation (150 kg Urea/ha + 200 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg SP 36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha + 5 ton organic fertilizer/ha and Trichoderma) tuber produce 37.7 ton/ha and leek 1,54 ton/ha were planted in the area of contour ridges and economically beneficial to the R/C ratio of 4.25. Thus soil conservation techniques in seedbed contour parallel beds alternated with contour imparallel can reduce erosion and the use of chemical fertilizers and increasing yields and farm income potatoes.