Pengaruh Kompos yang Diperkaya Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen dan Pelarut Fosfat terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kapri dan Aktivitas Enzim Fosfatase dalam Tanah

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Penggunaan pupuk organik dalam budidaya sayuran memiliki beberapa keuntungan, terutama untukmempertahankan kondisi tanah dan menekan penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di DesaCidawu (1.250 m dpl.), Cibodas, Kabupaten Cianjur, Provinsi Jawa Barat, mulai bulan Januari sampai Desember2007. Sampel tanah dikoleksi dari daerah berbeda di Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahuipengaruh kompos yang diperkaya dengan bakteri pelarut fosfat (phosphate solubilizing bacteria=PSB) terhadappertumbuhan tanaman kapri dan aktivitas enzim fosfatase di dalam tanah. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acakkelompok dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Varietas kapri yang digunakan ialah varietas lokal. Perlakuanterdiri atas (A) tanpa pupuk, (B) pupuk anorganik (TSP+KCl+Urea), (C) kotoran ayam + sekam, (D) kompos, dan(E) kompos plus, yaitu kompos yang diberi campuran bakteri, yaitu bakteri penambat nitrogen simbiotik, bakteripenambat nitrogen nonsimbiotik, dan bakteri pelarut fosfat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa campuran bakteriyang diisolasi dari tanah gambut di Kalimantan Barat yang terkandung dalam kompos plus dapat beradaptasi denganbaik pada lahan di lokasi penelitian. Populasi total SNFB, NSNFB, dan PSB meningkat masing-masing menjadi 9,15x 108, 9,34 x 108, dan 9,35 x 108 sel/g tanah. Keberadaan campuran bakteri tersebut mampu meningkatkan aktivitasenzim fosfatase asam dan basa di dalam tanah. Peningkatan tertinggi aktivitas enzim fosfomonoesterase asam danbasa dicapai pada perlakuan kompos plus. Perlakuan tersebut juga meningkatkan berat buah kapri dibandingkandengan kontrol (75,32 %), perlakuan pupuk kimia (45,48%), kotoran ayam + sekam ( 31,19 %), dan kompos (15,60%). Pemanfaatan campuran bakteri pelarut fosfat tersebut dalam kompos diharapkan dapat digunakan secara meluasdalam pembudidayaan kapri dalam sistem organic farming (OF), sehingga berperan dalam peningkatan produksi dansekaligus menekan penggunaan pupuk anorganik.ABSTRACT. Widawati, S., Suliasih, and A. Muharam. 2010. The Effect of Compost Enriched with SymbioticNitrogen Fixing and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria on the Growth of Peas and the Activity of PhosphataseEnzymes in the Soil. The use of organic materials on cultivation of vegetable crops has some advantages, especiallyfor maintaining suitable soil conditions and decreasing the utilization of inorganic fertilizers. The research wascarried out at Cidawu Village, Cibodas (1,250 m asl.), Cianjur, West Java, from January to December 2007. Soilsamples were collected from some different areas in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The research was aimed todetermine the effect of compost enriched with mixed phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on the growth of peasand on the activity of phosphatase enzymes in the soil. A randomized block design with five treatments and threereplications was used in the experiment. A local variety of peas was utilized in the experiment. The treatments werethe addition of fertilizers consisted of (A) without any fertilizer, (B) with inorganic fertilizers i.e. TSP+KCl+Urea,(C) with chicken dung + rice husk, (D) with compost, and (E) with compost plus (compost enriched with symbioticnitrogen fixing bacteria/SNFB, nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria/NSNFB, and PSB). The results showed thatthe mixed bacteria isolated from peat soil in West Kalimantan in the compost plus (treatment E) properly adaptedin soil conditions at the site of the experiment. The total populations of SNFB, NSNFB, and PSB were increased upto 9.15 x 108, 9.34 x 108, and 9.35 x 108 cell/g soil, respectively. The occurrence of the mixed bacteria increased theactivity of acid and alkaline phosphatases in the soil. The highest activities of acid and alkaline phosphomonoesteraseenzymes in the soil achieved by the treatment of compost plus. The treatment increased the fresh weight of peascompared to control (75.32 %), to the chemical fertilizers (45.48%), to chicken dung+rice husk ( 31.19 %), and tocompost (15.60 %). The widely application of the mixed PSB in compost is hopefully established in cultivation ofpeas in the organic farming (OF) system, then it will confidently support on the increase of peas production, and thedecrease of inorganic fertilizers as well.