Pengaruh Pemotongan Akar dan Umur Bibit terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Jenis Seks Tanaman Pepaya

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Persilangan antartanaman menghasilkan populasi segregasi dengan proporsi seks yang berbeda-beda.Dalam persilangan tanaman, identitas varietas menjadi kunci utama. Di sisi lain teknik identifikasi seks sejak fase benihsangat dibutuhkan dalam upaya mempercepat siklus generasi dan efisiensi dalam uji persilangan. Tujuan penelitianadalah mengetahui tipe seks yang terjadi akibat pengaruh perlakuan pemotongan akar dan umur bibit pada pepaya.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, pada bulan April sampai dengan Desember 2001. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan petak terpisah dengan 4 ulangan. Petak utama adalah varietas yang dikombinasikan denganumur bibit, dan anak petak adalah akar yang tidak dipotong dan dipotong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaperlakuan pemotongan akar tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup dan persentase tanaman berbunga.Umur bibit tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentaseberbunga. Pemotongan akar mempengaruhi persentase tanaman sempurna dan persentase tanaman betina, tetapi tidakberpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase tanaman berbunga jantan. Untuk meningkatkan persentase tanaman sempurnapada varietas Dampit, bibit ditanam pada umur 3 minggu setelah di polibag. Pemotongan akar pada varietas Sarironaumur bibit 3 minggu dalam polibag menyebabkan penurunan persentase tanaman betina secara nyata. Persentasetanaman sempurna pada varietas Dampit berbeda nyata dengan varietas Sarirona.ABSTRACT. Triatminingsih. R. 2009. The Effects of Root Cutting and Seedling Age on the Growth and SexType of Papaya. Out crossing the plant produces population segregation with variation of sex types in differentproportion. In plant crossing, identity of variety is the main key. On the other hand, sex identification technique atearly seedling stage is needed in order to accelerate generation cycle and to increase efficiency on crossing assessment.The objective of this research was to determine the influence of root cutting and seedling age on the growth and sextype of papaya. The research was conducted in Probolinggo, East Java, from April to December 2001. The split plotdesign with 4 replications was used in this experiment, where combination of variety and seedling age as the mainplot, and root cutting as the subplot. The results of this experiment showed that root cutting did not significantly affectthe percentage of survival and the flowering plant. Seedling age significantly affected the percentage of floweringplant, but not on the percentage of survival. Root cutting at seedling stage could affect the percentage of femaleflower and hermaphrodite flower. Root cutting on papaya seedling Sarirona variety at 3 weeks after transplantingin the polybag could decrease the percentage of female flower. While Dampit variety transplanted after 3-week inthe polybag without root cutting gave higher percentage of hermaphrodite flower. The percentage of hermaphroditeflower on Dampit variety was significantly different from Sarirona variety.
Carica papaya L.; Root cutting; Seedling; Identification; Sex type