Strategi Pengembangan Kinerja Rantai Pasok Kentang di Kabupaten Magetan

EnglishThe objective of this research is to determine the development strategy of potato supply chain performance in Magetan regency. The location of the research was determined purposively.  It was Magetan Regency, East Java. Proportionate random sampling and snowball sampling were used to determine its samples. The data of the development strategy of potato supply chain performance in Magetan Regency was analyzed by using Analytic Network Process aided with the computer program of Software Super Decision. The result of the research shows that the development strategy of potato supply chain performance in Magetan Regency for the application of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) included dimension, actor, and alternative strategy clusters. The dimension clusters included economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The actor clusters included farmers, traders, wholesalers, retailers, financial institutions, government and customers. The alternative strategy clusters included increasing product quality and productivity, empowerment of farmers/farmer groups, added value increase, farmer welfare improvement, information and communication network improvement, sustainability of farmers and traders, and reduction of hazardous material use (fertilizers, pesticides, plastics, etc.). Based on the result of the development strategy of potato supply chain performance  in Magetan Regency, the highest priority value on the actor clusters was farmers with the priority value of 0.2538,  the highest priority value on the dimension clusters was economic aspect with the priority value of 0.37265, and the highest priority value on the alternative strategy clusters was quality and productivity improvement with the priority value of 0.23941.IndonesianPenelitian ini bertujuan menentukan strategi pengembangan kinerja rantai pasok kentang di Kabupaten Magetan. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Kabupaten Magetan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengambilan sampel petani dilakukan secara proposional random sampling dan lembaga rantai pasok dengan metode snowball sampling. Metode analisis strategi pengembangan kinerja rantai pasok kentang di kabupaten Magetan yaitu Analytic Network Process (ANP) dengan menggunakan bantuan sofware super decision. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengembangan kinerja rantai pasok kentang di Kabupaten Magetan untuk penerapan Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) meliputi klaster dimensi, klaster aktor dan klaster alternative strategi. Klaster dimensi yaitu dimensi ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Klaster aktor terdiri atas elemen petani, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang besar, pedagang pengecer, lembaga keuangan, pemerintah dan konsumen. Klaster alternative strategi terdiri dari peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas, pemberdayaan petani/kelompok tani, peningkatan nilai tambah, peningkatan kesejahteraan petani, peningkatan jaringan informasi dan komunikasi, keberlanjutan usaha petani dan pedagang pengumpul, pengurangan penggunaan bahan berbahaya (pupuk, pestisida, plastik, dll). Berdasarkan hasil perumusan strategi pengembangan kinerja rantai pasok kentang di Kabupaten Magetan, pada klaster aktor nilai prioritas tertinggi yaitu petani sebesar 0.2538. Klaster dimensi pada aspek ekonomi dengan nilai prioritas 0.37265. Serta klaster alternative strategi yaitu peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas dengan nilai prioritas yaitu 0.23941.
Potato; Analytic Network Process (ANP); Supply Chain; Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM); Kentang; rantai pasok