Deteksi dan Respons Lima Varietas Pepaya terhadap Tiga Isolat Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV)

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of favorite fruits for Indonesian people and known as a good vitamin source. Recently, a ringspot disease was reported in some growing areas and it potentially caused yield loss. The disease is caused by Papayaringspot virus (PRSV) and considered as a new disease in Indonesia. Therefore, preliminary research was done to study theresponse of some varieties of papaya against PRSV infection. Field isolates of PRSV were collected from Medan, Aceh, andBogor. Identification of the isolates was done based on the nucleotide sequence analysis of coat protein gene. Response ofpapaya varieties was evaluated based on the results of mechanical inoculation. Identification results showed that thenucleotide sequences of PRSV isolates Medan, Aceh, and Bogor, have a high similarity to that from other countries, i.e.Thailand, Australia, China, Japan, Vietnam, and Taiwan (93.0–98.3%). Disease incidence reached 100% for all isolates of PRSVon all test varieties, although based on the DIBA’s result, it was known that the virus titer in plants are different. No varieties ofpapaya showed resistant to PRSV.
DIBA, mechanical inoculation, RT-PCR, nucleotide sequences.