Koleksi dan Identifikasi Tungau Predator (Ascidae: Asca) Serta Kelimpahannya pada Ekosistem Jeruk Mandarin

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Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development
ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tungau predator genus Asca dan kelimpahannya pada ekosistem jeruk mandarin. Survei dilakukan pada kebun jeruk mandarin di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Solok, Sumatera Barat menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2003 sampai Juli 2004. Hasil penelitian telah berhasil mengoleksi dan mengidentifikasi 18 spesies tungau predator genus Asca dengan jumlah total 3.919 ekor. Di antara tungau predator tersebut, spesies Asca longiseta, A. labrusca, A. vulgaris, A. butuanensis, dan A. breviseta merupakan spesies yang paling berlimpah jumlahnya secara berurutan dari yang tertinggi sampai yang terendah. Habitat gulma di bawah kanopi tanaman jeruk merupakan habitat yang paling disukai oleh tungau predator genus Asca (rerata 2,33/sampel) daripada habitat kanopi tanaman jeruk (rerata 0,75/sampel) dan serasah di bawah kanopi tanaman jeruk (rerata 0,51/sampel). Di antara tanaman gulma, tungau predator genus Asca paling banyak ditemukan pada jenis gulma Chromolaena odorata dengan populasi rerata 5 tungau predator per sampel (75 g). Tungau predator cenderung migrasi ke habitat gulma saat populasi mangsa pada kanopi tanaman jeruk rendah. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tungau predator khususnya genus Asca yang berpotensi sebagai agens pengendali hayati terhadap tungau fitofag.ABSTRACT. Affandi . 2008 . Collection and Identification of Predatory Mites (Ascidae: Asca) and its Population on Mandarin Citrus Ecosystem. The objectives of the research were to find out the type of genera Asca predatory mites and its population on ecosystem of mandarin citrus. A purposive sampling survey method was conducted at a mandarin citrus orchard at Aripan Research Station of the Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute, Solok, West Sumatera in the periode of September 2003 to July 2004. The results showed that there were 18 species of genera Asca predatory mites with total number of 3,919 were collected and identified. Among them, predatory mites Asca longiseta, A. labrusca, A. vulgaris, A. butuanensis, and A. breviseta were the most populous from the highest to the lowest, respectively. The most preferable habitat of genera Asca predatory mites was the weed under the canopy of citrus (average 2.33/sample), followed by the canopy of citrus (average 0.75/sample), and the plant wates under the canopy of citrus (average 0.51/sample). Among the weed, Chromolaena odorata was the most preferable habitat of genera Asca predatory mites with average population of 5 predatory mites per sample (75 g). Predatory mites tend to migrate to weed habitat when the population of prey in the canopy of citrus was low. The results of this research was useful to determine the type of predatory mites especially on genera Asca that has potential as biological control against phytophagous mites.