Quality and Viability of Javanese Local Ram Semen at Different Age

Age is one of determinant factors on semen quality due to its relation with the development of male’s reproductive tracts. Therefore, the objective of this study was to observe semen quality and viability at different level of ages in Javanese local sheep. The method used in this study was Complete Randomized Design with five groups of treatment consisted of groups of sheep aged: under 12 months (G1), 12-24 months (G2), 25-36 months (G3), 37-48 months (G4), and 49-72 months (G5). Each group consisted of four rams as replication and each replication was evaluated four times. Data collective which analyzed descriptively were: semen color, odor, viscosity, pH, sperm viability. While data on semen volume, sperm concentration, and sperm abnormality were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range test for the differences among treatments. The result showed that no significant different found for semen quality parameters at different ages of ram (P>0.05), except for sperm motility (P<0.05). The lowest sperm motility (70.62%) found in G1 and significantly differs from other groups. The lowest sperm viability was also found in G1 after the chilled semen was kept for 4 to 5 days at 40% of motility, while the highest viability was in G3 by 9 days for 43.75% of motility. In conclusion: (1) Sperm motility of local ram semen was influenced by age; (2) Ram aged 25-36 months produces the highest motility of sperm and viability.
Semen Quality; Sperm Viability; Age, Local Ram