Karakteristik Tanaman Muda Plasma Nutfah Kelapa Sawit Asal Kamerun

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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan
ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Januari 2012 sampai dengan Agustus 2014, di Kebun Percobaan Sitiung, Kabupaten  Dharmasraya, Provinsi  Sumatera Barat. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah plasma nutfah kelapa sawit asal  Kamerun sebanyak 99 aksesi, yang ditanam dalam blok tunggal dengan sistem baris tanpa ulangan pada Desember  2011. Setiap aksesi terdiri atas 5 - 10 tanaman sehingga seluruh tanaman berjumlah 959 tanaman. Hasil pengamatan  menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua koleksi asal Kamerun, memiliki posisi anak daun selang-seling, berwarna hijau tua,  permukaan daun mengkilap, dan pelepah daun berduri. Karakter vegetatif meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun hijau,  jumlah anak daun, dan panjang anak daun pada tipe Dura maupun Tenera, relatif seragam terlihat dari nilai koefisien  keragaman <20%. Karakter generatif meliputi jumlah tandan jantan, tandan betina dan berat tandan buah pasir segar  pada tipe Dura sangat beragam, sedangkan pada tipe Tenera karakter jumlah tandan betina dan berat tandan buah pasir  segar relatif seragam kecuali pada karakter jumlah tandan jantan sangat beragam. Lebih dari 90% koleksi plasma nutfah  kelapa sawit asal Kamerun telah berbuah pasir, dan ditemukan 35 tanaman yang memiliki berat > 4.000 g/tandan pada  umur 2,5 tahun setelah tanam. Dari 35 tanaman tersebut terdapat 34 tanaman merupakan tipe  Dura dan 1 tanaman tipe  Tenera. Aksesi CMR002D/3 memiliki berat tertinggi (9.500 g), disusul berturut-turut oleh CMR021D/9 (5.200 g),  CMR091D/4 (5.100 g), CMR021D/6 dan CMR059D/9 (5.000 g). Selain itu, tipe Tenera yaitu CMR023T/3 memiliki berat  tandan buah pasir segar 4200 g. Berdasarkan urutan berat tandan buah pasir segar tertinggi, maka tipe Tenera menem pati urutan ke 26. Ditemukan pula beberapa aksesi dari koleksi asal Kamerun merupakan tipe Virescen, dan mayoritas bertipe Nigrescen.Kata kunci : Elaeis guineensis Jacq, kelapa sawit, Kamerun, plasma nutfah, karakterisasi, morfologi, Dura, Tenera. Early Characteristic of Oilpalm Germplasm From Cameroon  ABSTRACT The study was conducted from January 2012 until August 2014, at Sitiung experimental Garden, Dharmasraya Regency,  West Sumatra Province. The plant material been used were oilpalm germplasm from Cameroon as much as 99  accessions, which planted in a single block with the line system without repetition in December 2011. Each accession  consists of 5-10 plants so that the whole plant amounted to 959 plants. Observations showed that almost all collections  from Cameroon had leaflet position were alternating leaves, dark green, glossy leaf surface, and spiny leaf midrib.  Vegetative characteristics such as plant height, number of green leaves, number of leaflet and the length of leaflets on the  type of Dura and Tenera, Similar, seen from diversity coeffisient values <20%. Generative characteristics included the  number of bunches of male, female and weight of fresh bunches were very various on types of Dura. While on Tenera  type,  character number of female bunches and the weight of fresh fruit bunches  is relatively similar except the number  of male bunches character is high diversity. More than 90% of germplasm collection of oil palm from Cameroon has been  fruiting. From 959 plants collection, found 35 plants that have weight > 4000 g/bunch at the age of 2.5 years after  planting. Of the 35 such plants are 34 plants is a type of Dura and only one plant of Tenera type. Accession CMR002D/3  has the highest weight (9500 g), followed successively by CMR021D/9 (5200 g), CMR091D/4 (5100 g), CMR021D/6 and  CMR059D/9 (5000 g). While Tenera type namely CMR023T/3 have weight of fresh bunches 4200 g. Based on the the  order of highest weight of fresh fruit bunches, the Tenera type ranks to 26. There were also several accessions of the collection from Cameroon is a Virescen type, and the majority of the collection is Nigrescen type.Keywords: Elaeis guineensis Jacq, palm oil, Cameroon, germplasm, characterization, morphology, Dura, Tenera.