Pengaruh Umur Tanaman, Pelayuan, dan Lama Penyulingan Terhadap Kadar Minyak Atsiri Daun Ruku-Ruku (Ocimum gratissimum LINN)

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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan
Ocinium gratissinium (ruku-ruku) Which is found in Indonesia, contain essential Oil that usually used as row materials for Perfume and insert repellent. The aim of this Experiment were to study the effect of plant Age, wilting process of the leaves after and Distillation time on the contentof essenial oil Of O. Gratissimum. The material used in this Experiment was the leaves of O. Gratissimum Of eugenol type. Collected from cimanggu Experiment station bogor. The agea of plant Were 3 and 5 months respectivelly. The leaves Were willed for nil hours(freah leaves),1 day And 2 dayrespectivelly.the destillation Method was water and steam destillation with Cohobation systeam with deatillation time of 30, 60 and 90 minutes respectivelly. The result Shaw thatfresh leaves of 3 month plant age and distillation time 90 minutes produce The hightest content of essential oil i.e. 1.47%